Kenmore 153.329561, 153.329461 Thermostat Removal/Replacement, Eement CeaningiRepmacement

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Thewaterheatershouldbedrainedifbeingshutdownduring freezingtemperaturesAlso,periodicdrainingandcleaningof. sedimentfromthetankmaybenecessary.


Before removing any access panels or servicing the water heater, make sure the ebctrical

supply to the water heater is turned "OFF",

t Failure to do this could result in

death, serious bodily injury, or property damage,

1.Before beginning turn "OFF" the electric power supply to the water heater.

2.CLOSE the cold water inlet valve to the water heater.

3.OPEN a nearby hot water faucet and leave open to allow for draining.

4.Connect a hose to the drain valve and terminate to an adequate drain or outdoors.

5.OPEN the water heater drain valve to allow for tank draining.

NOTE: Bf the water heater is going to be shut down and drained for an extended period, the drain vaJve shouJd be left

open with hose connected allowing water to terminate to an adequate drain.

6.Close the drain valve.

7.Follow "Fifling the Water Heater" instructions in the

'Installation Instructions" section.

8.Turn 'ON" power to the water heater.

1.Turn "OFF" the electrical power to the water heater at the junction box.

2.Remove the access pane! and the insulation cap with handle.

3.Lift out the tab as shown below to unclip the terminal cover from the thermostat The terminal cover can now be removed from the thermostat.










4.Remove the wires attached to the thermostat.

5.Remove the thermostat from behind the thermostat bracket.

6.Disconnect wires from thermostat and slide out of the bracket.

improper installation and use may result

in property damage.

o Fill tank with water before operation

Never use this water heater unless it is completely full of water. To prevent damage to the tank and heating element, the tank must be filled with water. Water must flow from the hot water

faucet before turning "ON" power.

Thermostat Removal/Replacement

Before removing any access panels or servicing the water heater, make sure the electrical

suppJy to the water heater is turned "OFF"

Failure to do this could result in death, serious bodily injury, or property damage,

7.Place the new thermostat in the bracket making sure it fits firmly against the tank.

8.Attach the wires to the new thermostat.

NOTE: Some of the terminals may require straightdn wiring

through an eye-opening.If wires are now looped, recut and strip wire 3/8" to a straight Jength and insert.

9.Put plastic terminal cover back in place.

10.Replace the insulation cap with handle to cover the thermostat.

11.Replace access panel, then turn the electric power on.

E_ement C_eaningiRepmacement

NOTE: These instructions are written for element cleaning and element replacement for the lower element. If it is necessary to

clean or replace the upper element, then repeat these instructions.

To remove the element from your tank in order to clean or replace it:


Image 19
Contents Save Tnbs Manual for Future Reference Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, L 60179 U.S.AModel UstedPortant Definitions Explosion Hazard Improper installation and use may result Property damageFire Hazard / Electric Shock Hazard Troubleshooting Guide Safe Installation Useand Service GeneralInstallation Instructions Service MaintenanceVolts Tank Dbmensbons Element Maxbmum Fuse Recovery Rate WattageCapacity Model GALS.PER HourMaterials Needed Additiona Toos Needed When Sweat SoderingBasic Toos Burn hazard Hotwater discharge Keep hands clear of drain Removing the Od Water HeaterFacts to Consider About Convertible Lower Eement IneraiBuilduporSediment MayAccumuiateFacts to Consider About the Location Nsuation BanketsWater Piping Valve and Pipe insulation HOTFLEXIBLESHUT-OFF Outlet Water ConnectorsvalveDo not CAP Or Plug Floor Drain Temperature PressureFilling the Water Heater Water Damage HazardElectric Converting the Lower EementFire Hazard t Electric Shock Hazard Conversion Parts Screw?ERMBNAL Cover from Fire and Explosion HazardFire Hazard Electric Shock Hazard ReplacetheaccesspanelGreen Ground Screw Theconduitortubingisterminatedfittingsapproved forgroundingFor 5500 Watts Wiring DiagramsTo Electric Power Supply RED UpperThermostat Temperature RegulationTemperature Settings Upper and Lower Thermostat AdjustmentsDraining TurnOFFtheelectricpowertothewaterheaterat the junctionboxTemperature-Pressure Relief Valve Operation Anode Rod inspectionWithout High Limit Upper and Lower Thermostat with HGH Lmit Thermostat Removal/ReplacementEement CeaningiRepmacement UFT OUT TAB to UncupUpperand Lower Thermostat WTH High Limit Fire Hazard Electric Shock Hazard Handleand CAP Assembly ServiceDrain Valve Washer Repmacement Operationa Conditions Therma! Expansion Tank SpecificationsChart Start Up ConditionsRumbung Nose High Temperature Shut OFF SystemReset CorrosionprotectiveactionoftheanodeLeakage Checkpoints Mmproper installation and use may result Property damageInstructions section Kenmore Power Miser TM Electric Water Heaters 153.329360 Gallon 153.329460 153.329560 KENtvIOREPOWER Miser TMWhen ORDERmNGREPAIR PARTS,ALWAYSGIVETHE Following Page Page MY-HOM Warranty ServiceMaster Protection Agreements