Safety Precautions
Improperinstallation,ad_ alteration,serviceor mainte- I nance can causeDEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY,OR PROPERTYDAMAGE Refer to this manualfor assistanceor
consultyourlocalSearsServiceCont_ for further nformation.
At thetime ofmanufacturethiswaterheaterwasprovidedwith a
AutomaticGasShutoffDevicesfor Hot Water SupplySystems, ANSI Z21.22 by a nationallyrecognizedtestinglaboratorythat maintainsperiodic inspectionof productionof listedequipment or materials.
The valvemust be marked with a maximum set pressurenot to exceed the marked hydrostaticworking pressureof the water heater (150 Ibs./ and a dischargecapacity not lessthan the water heater input rate as shownon the model rating plate. (Electric heaters, watts dividedby 1000x 3415 equalBTUIHr. rate.)
Yourlocaljurisdictionalauthority,whilemandatingthe useof a
Compliancewith suchlocalrequirementsmust be satisfiedby the installeror end userof the water heaterwith a locallypre-
natedopeningin the water heater in placeof the factory for- nishedvalve.
Forsafeoperationof the water heater,the relief valvemustnot beremovedfrom it'sdesigeai_lopeningor plugged.
any dischargewilt exit onlywithin 6 inchesabove,or at any dis- tence belowthe structuralfloor.Be certain that no contactis
madewith anylive electricalpart. The dischargeopeningmust not be blockedor reduced in size under any circumstances.
Excessivelength,over 30 feet,or useof more than fourelbows
can causerestriction and reducethe dischargecapacityof the valve.
No valveor other obstructionisto be placedbetweenthe relief valveand the tank. Do not connecttubingdirectlyto discharge drain unlessa 6" air gap is providedTo. preventbodilyinjury, hazard to llfe, or propertydamage, the relief valve must be allowedto dischargewater in quantitiesshouldcircumstances demand.If the dischargepipe is not connectedto a drain or other suitable means, the water flow may cause property damage.
The DischargePipe:
•Must not be smallerin sizethan the outlet pipe sizeof the valve,or haveany reducingcouplingsor other restrictions.
Must not be plugged or blocked.
Must be of material listedfor hot water distribution.
Must be installedso asto allow completedrainageof beth the
Must not haveanyvalvebetween the relief valveandtank.
any access panels or servicing the water heater, make sure the electrical supply to the water heater is turned
"OFF". Failure to do this could result in DEATH, SERI-
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a tem- perature which will satisfy space heating, clothes wash- ing, dish washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald and permanently injure you upon contact. Some people are more likely to be permanently injured by hot water than others. These include the elderly, children, the infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped. If anyone using hot water in your home fits into one of these groups or if there is a local code or state law requiring a certain temperature water at the hot water tap, then you must take special precautions. In addition to using the lowest possible temperature setting that satisfies your hot water needs, a means such as a mixing valve,
shall be used at the hot water taps used by these people or at the water heater. Mixing valves are available at plumbing supply or hardware stores. Follow manufactur- ers instructions for installation of the valves. Before
changingthe factory sett!ng on the thermostat, read the
Temperature Regulation sectionin this manual.
WATER HEATERS EQUIPPED FOR ONE VOLTAGE ONLY: This water heater is equippedfor one type voltage only. Check the rating plate near the bottom accesspanel for the correct voltage. DO NOT use this water heater with any voltage other than the one shownon the model rating plate. Failure to use the correct voltage can cause problems which can result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY,OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. If you haveany ques- tions or doubts consultyour electric company.
..... AWARN, ING
INSULATING JACKETS: When installing an external water heater i_Ul_tion jacket on'an electric water heater:
a.DO NOT cover the
b.DO NOT put insulation over the accesscovers or any accessareas.
c.DO NOT cover or remove operating instructions, and
safety related warning labels and materials affixed to the water heater.
Do not usethis appliance if any part of it hasbeen under water. An electrical short or malfunction could occur.
The water heater shouldbe replaced.
the water heater must be accomplishedin sucha manner that if the tank or anyconnectionsshouldleak, the flow of water will not causedamage to the structure. When such locations cannot be avoided, a suitable drain pan should be installedunder the water heater. Drain pans are avail- able at your local Sears Store. Such a drain pan must be piped to an adequate drain. Under no circumstances is the manufacturer or Sears to be held liable for any water damage in connectionwith this water heater.