| Residential & Commercial Cast Iron Boilers | | Indirect-Fired Water Heaters | | | | | |
| Residential Water Warranty — Limited Lifetime | | | | | Residential Water Heater Warranty — Limited Lifetime | | | | | |
| Residential Steam Warranty — Limited 10 Year | | | | | Commercial Water Heater Warranty — Limited 15 Year | | | | | |
| Commercial Warranty — Limited 10 Year | | | | | First Year — (Residential and Commercial Water Heaters) | Weil-McLain warrants | |
| First Year — (All Residential & Commercial Cast Iron Boilers) | Weil-McLain | that its indirect-fired water heaters are free from defects in material and workmanship | |
| warrants that its cast iron boilers are free from defects in material and workman- | for one year from the date of installation. If any parts are found to be defective from | |
| ship for one year from date of installation. If any parts are found to be defective | such defects, Weil-McLain will provide replacement of such defective parts. | |
| from such defects, Weil-McLain will provide replacement of such defective parts. | Second Year and Beyond — (Residential Only) | | | | | |
| Second Through Tenth Year — (Residential & Commercial Water/Steam) | Second Through Fifth Years — (Commercial Only) | | | | | |
| Weil-McLain warrants that the cast iron sections of its water and steam boilers are | Weil-McLain warrants that the tank assembly components of its indirect-fired water | |
| free from defects in material and workmanship from the date of installation for the | heaters are free from defects in material and workmanship for the second through | |
| second through the tenth year. If, during such time, any section is found to be | the fifth year from the date of installation (commercial only), or for the second year | |
| defective, Weil-McLain will provide replacement of such defective section(s). | from the date of installation and beyond (for residential only). If, during such time | |
| Eleventh Year and Beyond — (Residential Water Only) Weil-McLain warrants | periods, a leak in the tank assembly should occur, Weil-McLain will provide replace- | |
| that the cast iron sections of its residential water boilers are free from defects in | ment for the original tank assembly. | | | | | |
| material and workmanship for the eleventh year and beyond from the date of | Sixth Year through Fifteenth Year — (Commercial Only) | Weil-McLain warrants | |
| installation. | If, during such time period, any section(s) is found to be defective, | that the tank assembly components of its commercial indirect-fired water heaters are | |
| Weil-McLain will provide replacement of such defective section(s) upon the | free from defects in material and workmanship for the sixth year through the fifteenth | |
| payment of a proportionate charge based on the time the boiler has been in | year following the date of installation. If, during such time period, a leak in the tank | |
| service. The proportionate charge will be equal to the appropriate percentage of | assembly should occur, Weil-McLain will provide replacement for such defective tank | |
| the list price of such section(s) at the time the warranty claim is made, and will be | assembly. Such replacement will be furnished with the nearest comparable model | |
| determined as follows: 11th year-5%; 12th year-10%; 13th year-15%; 14th year- | available from Weil-McLain at the time of such replacement and upon payment of a | |
| 20%; 15th year-25%; 16th year-30%; 17th year-35%; 18th year-40%; 19th year- | proportionate charge. Proportionate charges will be equal to the appropriate percent- | |
| 45%; 20th year-50%; 21st year-55%; 22nd year-60%; 23rd year-65%; 24th year- | age of the current list price of such commercial indirect-fired water heater at the time | |
| 70%; 25th year & beyond -75%. | | | | | | warranty claim is made and will be determined as follows: 6th & 7th year-55%; 8th & | |
| These warranties do not cover boilers operated with combustion air contam- | 9th year-60%; 10th & 11th year-65%; 12th & 13th year-70%; 14th & 15th year-75%. | |
| inated externally by chemical vapors or with improper fuel additives, or with water | These warranties do not cover: | | | | | |
| conditions which may have caused unusual deposits in the cast iron sections. | 1. Any water heater not initially installed with a new temperature-pressure relief valve | |
| See section “For all Weil-McLain Products” for additional warranty information. | bearing the listing of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (A.S.M.E.) at the | |
| Weil-McLain Ultra Cast Aluminum Boilers | | time of the water heater installation. | | | | | |
| | 2. Any water heater that has a failure or malfunction resulting from a.) failure to keep the | |
| Residential Warranty — Limited 15 Year (includes 5-Year Ultra Protection Plan) | tank full of potable water; b.) failure to assure that water in the tank is free to circulate | |
| Commercial Warranty — Limited 15 Year (does NOT include Ultra HPP) | at all times; or c.) failure to keep the tank free of water sediment or scale deposits. | |
| 3. Any water heater that has potable water in the unit with a chloride or chlorine content | |
| First Through Fifth Year — Weil-McLain warrants that its cast aluminum boilers | |
| higher than 80 mg/liter. | | | | | |
| are free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date of | 4. Any water heater installed in a residence containing any type of water softener system | |
| installation and the heat exchanger is free from defects in material and | that is not installed and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. | |
| workmanship for five years from the date of installation. | | If any parts in the first | 5. Any water heater installation where non-metallic piping products without an oxygen | |
| year, or the heat exchanger in the first five years are found to be defective from | barrier are used. | | | | | |
| such defects, Weil-McLain will provide replacement of such defective parts or heat | 6. Any water heater used for non-potable application such as pool or process heating. | |
| exchanger. In addition to the product warranty, Weil-McLain will provide a 5-Year “Ultra” | See section “For all Weil-McLain Products” for additional warranty information. | |
| Homeowner Protection Plan (“UHPP”) for residential applications only to cover parts and labor | Radiant Heating Products | | | | | |
| for five years from the date of installation provided only if the Ultra boiler is properly registered | | | | | |
| with the UHPP Administrator within one month of the date of installation. UHPP claims must be | Radiant Heating Products Warranty — Limited 30 Year | | | | | |
| processed directly through the Plan Administrator and not through Weil-McLain. | | | | | |
| IPP & IPC Products Warranty — Limited 3 Year | | | | | |
| Sixth Through Tenth Year — Weil-McLain warrants that the heat exchangers of | | | | | |
| Weil-McLain warrants that its AlumiPex and Qual-Pex radiant heating products are | |
| its cast aluminum boilers are free from defects in material and workmanship for | |
| the sixth through the tenth year from the date of installation. If, during such time, | free from defects in material and workmanship for thirty years (three years for IPP | |
| the heat exchanger is found to be defective, Weil-McLain will provide replacement | and IPC products) from the date of installation. If any parts are found to be defective | |
| of such defective heat exchanger. | | | | | | from such defects during such time period, Weil-McLain will provide replacement of | |
| Eleventh | Through Fifteenth Year — | Weil-McLain | warrants | that the heat | such defective parts. It is expressly understood that failure as a result of freezing of | |
| water within the pipes (tubing) does not constitute a | defect in material or | |
| exchangers of its cast aluminum boilers | are free from | defects | in material and | |
| workmanship and shall not be covered by this warranty. | | | | | |
| workmanship for the eleventh through fifteenth year from the date of installation. | | | | | |
| See section “For all Weil-McLain Products” for additional warranty information. | |
| If, during such time period, the heat exchanger is found to be defective, Weil- | |
| McLain will provide replacement for such defective heat exchanger upon the | Parts and Accessories | | | | | |
| payment of a proportionate charge based on the time the boiler has been in | | | | | |
| service. The proportionate charge will be equal to the appropriate percentage of | Parts and Accessories Warranty — Limited 1 Year | | | | | |
| the list price of such heat exchanger at the time the warranty claim is made, and | Weil-McLain warrants that parts and accessories that were purchased through Weil- | |
| will be determined as follows: 11th year - 10%; 12th year - 20%; 13th year - | McLain are free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date | |
| 40%; 14th year - 60%; 15th year - 80%; 16th year & beyond - 100%. | of installation. | If any parts and/or accessories are found to be defective from such | |
| This warranty does not cover boilers operated with combustion air contaminated | defects during such time period, Weil-McLain will provide replacement of such | |
| externally by chemical vapors or with improper fuel additives, or with water/ | defective parts. | Parts and accessories covered under this | warranty include only | |
| system conditions which may have caused heat exchanger failure. | | those items that are not covered under other Weil-McLain product warranties. | |
| See section “For all Weil-McLain Products” for additional warranty information. | See section “For all Weil-McLain Products” for additional warranty information. | |
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| For All Weil-McLain Products: These warranties are subject to the condition | NOTE: Residential warranties do not cover any residential products installed in build- | |
| that the Weil-McLain Product(s) must have been installed in accordance with | ings other than one or two family dwelling units, unless they are buildings with indi- | |
| manufacturers’ instructions by a heating contractor whose principal occupation is | vidual residential products for each dwelling unit. | | | | | |
| the sale and installation of plumbing, heating and/or air conditioning equipment. | THE WARRANTIES DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WAR- | |
| These warranties extend only to the first retail purchaser of the products and only | RANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IM- | |
| to a product that has not been moved from its original installation site. | PLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MER- | |
| In addition to each product warranty listed, Weil-McLain warranties do not cover: | CHANTABILITY. WEIL-McLAIN EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY | |
| 1. Components that are part of the heating system (products) but were not fur- | LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR PUNITIVE DAM- | |
| nished by Weil-McLain as a part of the heating system (products). | AGES FOR BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS WARRANTY. For prompt product war- | |
| 2. The workmanship of any installer of Weil-McLain’s product(s). In addition, this | ranty claims, notify the installer who, in turn, will notify the Weil-McLain distributor | |
| warranty does not assume any liability of any nature for unsatisfactory perform- | from whom he purchased the boiler. If this action does not result in warranty resolu- | |
| ance caused by improper installation. | | | | | | tion, contact Weil-McLain Consumer Relations Department, 500 Blaine Street, Michi- | |
| 3. Any costs for labor for removal and reinstallation of the alleged defective part, | gan City, Indiana 46360, with details in support of the warranty claim. Alleged defec- | |
| transportation to Weil-McLain, if necessary, and any other materials necessary | tive part or parts must be returned through the same trade channel in accordance | |
| to perform the exchange. | | | | | | with the Weil-McLain procedure currently in force for handling returned goods for the | |
| 4. Any products that have a failure or malfunction resulting from improper or | purpose of inspection to determine cause of failure. Weil-McLain will furnish new | |
| negligent operation, accident, abuse, freezing, misuse, unauthorized alteration | part(s) to an authorized Weil-McLain distributor who, in turn will furnish the new part | |
| or improper repair or maintenance. | | | | | | (s) to the heating contractor who installed the boiler. If you have any questions about | |
| 5. Improper adjustments (including boiler/burner), control settings, care or mainte- | the coverage of this warranty, contact Weil-McLain at the address above. | |
| nance. Information is in the installation, start-up, operations, owner/user’s | | | | | | | |
| manuals, service/maintenance instructions, and other printed/technical informa- | Part No. 550-141-950/0403 | | | | | |
| tion provided with the product or direct from Weil-McLain or weil-mclain.com. | | | | | |
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