Safe sound levels*
To establish a safe sound level:
•Start with the volume control at a low setting.
•Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, without distortion.
•Avoid prolonged exposure to excessive noise.
Level Example
30 Quiet Library, soft whispers
40 Living room, refrigerator, bedroom away from traffic
50 Light traffic, normal conversation, quiet office
60 Air conditioner at 20 feet, sewing machine
70 Vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, noisy restaurant
80Average city traffic, garbage disposals, alarm clock at two feet
The following noise levels can be dangerous with constant exposure:
90 Subway, motorcycle, truck traffic, lawn mower
100 Garbage truck, chain saw, pneumatic drill
120 Rock band concert in front of speakers, thunderclap
140Gunshot blast, jet engine
180Rocket launching pad
*Information courtesy of the Deafness Research Foundation.
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