MPI Technologies FCX manual 2116$75$,1&211&7,21

Page 13




90° elbow


45° elbow


view from above


rear boiler



1 in

1,80 m

5.9 ft


-1 45 deg concentric elbow

-2 90 deg concentric elbow

-1 concentric extension

-1 straight horizontal flue kit

￿￿ &21'(16$7(￿'5$,1￿&211(&7,21

Connection of the condensate drain piping system is to the back of the unit beneath the flue/combus- tion air separator tube assembly. The condensate drain tube provided in the unit is 1 - 19/32 inches (40

mm)O.D. to which the drain trap assembly supplied with the unit may be connected. The condensate drain outlet connection on the trap is 1 - 19/32 in- ches (40mm) O.D. to which standard 1 -1/2 inch tra- de size schedule 40 PVC pipe can be connected to create the rest of the drain system. The drain sys- tem must pitch downward towards the sewer.

Note: The condensate will not likely require any spe- cific water treatment because of condensate dilution by normal wastewater use. If, however, local regula- tions require wastewater to have a neutral pH, a condensate treatment tank can be installed between the trap and the sewer.








Image 13
Contents T30.30306.02 $%/2&217176 3528&76&5,37,21 17528&7,21$7,212&20321176 5235$7,21 $07523,3&211&7,216 3528&767$1$55$7,1*6Ratings for Model FCX are provided in the following table 231,1*7+81,7 167$//$7,21$7,2127+81,7 P6WUDLJKW+RULRQWDOOXH.LW 211&7,216$15287,13RO\SURS\OHQH39& &RQFHQWULF +RULRQWDO Whqvlrq 3RO\SURS\OHQH39&&RQFHQWULFOERZ 6OHHYH7LOHZLWK$GDSWDEOH&RXSOLQJ3RO\SURS\OHQH5RRI3ODWHDvwhqlqjfroodurswlrq Option Straight Horizontal Flue Kit \SLFDOLQVWDOODWLRQHDPSOHVOption Angled Horizontal Flue Kit 167$//$7,21 \SLFDOLQVWDOODWLRQHDPSOHVFRQW≤IWP 2116$75$,1&211&7,21 Rlohu $75&,5&8,7&211&7,2163UHVVXUHJDXJH WlrqflufxlwVarious typical water circuits 6833/&211&7,216211&77+3256833/%25$77037,1*/&75,&$ 167$//$7,2127+81,7 75,&$/&211&7,216Unit and any related electrical components To pigtail leads that exit through a hole in the rightRQWUROFLUFXLW3LJWDLO/HDGV Xqfwlrqer 0DLQ3RZHU3LJWDLO/HDGV 8QLW8SSHU%DFN3DQHO3567$57,1$/6670&+ 67$5783$1235$7,2167$5783$1235$7,21 +&.,1*7+6$79,&6 $-867,1*7+2,/%8515$1,1*7+%2,/56+ 90$,171$1$1,1*7+&21165 $,7,21$/&20321170$,171$1 85150$,171$1$16,217$1.35,1/$7,21356685&+ 20%867,213528&7/8+$1*,1*$7+50267$7257+7+502075 9235$7,1*$8/76 Septembre