MPI Technologies FCX manual 85150$,171$1, $,7,21$/&20321170$,171$1, $16,217$1.35,1/$7,21356685&+

Page 21


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Once adjusted properly, regular maintenance of the oil burner is not generally required. A routine exami- nation of the burner should include examination of the burner fan and nozzle for dirt and the spark elec- trodes for proper clearances. Replace the fuel filter

if necessary. Cleaning and adjustment is always ap- propriate during periodic inspection.

If burner firing rate adjustment is required, follow instructions in "Adjusting the Oil Burner".


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Check to see that the safety and regulation devices (safety relief valve, air bleed valve, control box com- ponents, etc.) are operating properly. Check also to see that the condensate drain siphon is clean. If ne- cessary, remove the bottom of the siphon, clean it, replace it and then refill the siphon it with water. Also check to see that neither the installation nor the boi-

ler have any water or fuel leaks (leaks may produce a risk for safety and shorten the lifespan). If it beco- mes frequently necessary to add water to maintain pressure in the installation, even though no leaks have been discovered, perform an expansion tank check.

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Reduce the pressure in the heating installation by opening the drain cock or the safety valve until the pressure gauge reading is less than 7 - 8 psig (0.5 bar)

Check the pressure in the expansion tank and if ne- cessary bring it back up to pressure. Replace the tank if the membrane is punctured (water present in the inflating valve)

To optimize the efficiency of the expansion tank:

Adjust its pre-inflation pressure in line with the installation. The pressure must correspond to the static height of the installation (H), the height between the highest point of the installation and the expansion tank, as expressed in bars where 10 meters in height = 1 bar.

Adjust the filling pressure of the installation to a value greater than 3 psig (0.2 bar) above the

pre-inflation pressure of the tank after totally bleeding any air from the installation.


Water inlet


Dilated water




Inflating valve

Max vessel

Pressure rises as the


air is compressed

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Examine the flue/combustion air system for leaks and obstructions. Leaks can generally be detected by the appearance of condensate stains on the out- side of the pipes. Replace any damaged seals if ne- cessary. The flue/combustion air pipe can be cleaned with running water, if necessary, providing that the water flow is not too great to be drained through the condensate drain system. Leave the ex-

cess water in the condensate trap when cleaning is completed.


Image 21
Contents T30.30306.02 $%/2&217176 3528&76&5,37,21 17528&7,21$7,212&20321176 5235$7,21 3528&767$1$55$7,1*6 $07523,3&211&7,216Ratings for Model FCX are provided in the following table 167$//$7,21 231,1*7+81,7$7,2127+81,7 211&7,216$15287,1 P6WUDLJKW+RULRQWDOOXH.LW3RO\SURS\OHQH39& &RQFHQWULF +RULRQWDO Whqvlrq 6OHHYH7LOHZLWK$GDSWDEOH&RXSOLQJ3RO\SURS\OHQH5RRI3ODWH 3RO\SURS\OHQH39&&RQFHQWULFOERZDvwhqlqjfroodurswlrq \SLFDOLQVWDOODWLRQHDPSOHV Option Straight Horizontal Flue KitOption Angled Horizontal Flue Kit 167$//$7,21 \SLFDOLQVWDOODWLRQHDPSOHVFRQW≤IWP 2116$75$,1&211&7,21 Rlohu $75&,5&8,7&211&7,2163UHVVXUHJDXJH WlrqflufxlwVarious typical water circuits 6833/&211&7,216211&77+3256833/%25$77037,1*/&75,&$ 167$//$7,2127+81,7 75,&$/&211&7,216Unit and any related electrical components To pigtail leads that exit through a hole in the rightRQWUROFLUFXLW3LJWDLO/HDGV Xqfwlrqer 0DLQ3RZHU3LJWDLO/HDGV 8QLW8SSHU%DFN3DQHO67$5783$1235$7,21 3567$57,1$/6670&+67$5783$1235$7,21 +&.,1*7+6$79,&6 $-867,1*7+2,/%851590$,171$1 $1,1*7+%2,/56+$1,1*7+&21165 $,7,21$/&20321170$,171$1 85150$,171$1$16,217$1.35,1/$7,21356685&+ 20%867,213528&7/8+$1*,1*$7+50267$7257+7+502075 9235$7,1*$8/76 Septembre