S T E R E O A M P L I F I E R / A U T O M A T E D S W I T C H E R
Example 2: In-Wall Volume Control With a Fixed Output Device
In some applications, it may be desirable to control speaker level of both the
NOTE: If driving speakers and using volume controls on both SPEAKER OUT A and B, minimum acceptable impedance is 4 ohms. Be sure to check speaker specifications and impedance magnifying settings on the volume controls to assure proper per- formance. Exceeding this load will cause the TVA50 to go into pro- tection and shut down.
12V Trigger Out
The TVA50 has a 12VDC 200mA Trigger OUT that will be acti- vated in the current sense mode or when
12V Trigger Out and a TV lift
In certain exotic applications, it is desirable to keep all compo- nents hidden from sight when not in use. A TV mounted in a lift cabinet is a perfect example. When not in use, the TV is hidden away in an attractive furniture quality cabinet. A motorized lift mechanism will raise the TV up out of the cabi- net for use when activated by voltage, IR or RF commands.