S T E R E O A M P L I F I E R / A U T O M A T E D S W I T C H E R
A common challenge in designing whole-house audio/video distribution systems is allowing a local source, such as audio from a bedroom TV, to play through the main system speakers in that room. The TVA50 is the perfect solution. When activated, by either current sensing or a voltage trigger the TVA50 interrupts the main system’s speaker level signal, and switches to the local source. When the device (TV) is turned OFF, the speakers are switched back to the main system’s audio program.
The TVA50 delivers the quality of audio amplification needed to match the high performance amplifiers used in whole-house systems. The TVA50 is also the perfect companion for added flexibility in whole-house systems using Niles SI Series Multi- Channel Amplifiers, or ZR Series Multi-Zone Receivers.
Whatever the application, switching to a local TV, computer, portable CD or MP3 player, the TVA50 is the clear choice of professional installers who need solid, reliable performance from an automated switching amplifier.