To p thread breaks
Lower thread breaks
Skipped stitches
Needle break age
S h | I or S I OOPS |
Seams chink or pucker
Irregular stitching/feeding
Machine is noisy and rough
I Machine is threaded incorrectly. 2. Tension is too tight
3Thread is too heavy for needle sire,
4.Needle is inserted incorrectly
5Thread may he caught on reel holder
6Needle is darriaged
I Bobbin case is riot inseitcd correctly
2 Bobbin case is improperly threaded
3 Bobbin tension is too ighi
INeedle is not inserted comiertly
2 Needle is damaged
3 Wrong type of niemfle is used
4 Wiong foot is used
5 Foot pressure us wrong
1 Needle is dimniageil
2Nreifle is riot
3 oLin ii too heavy / wr on9 niredle size
4F ahr i is being I uI Icrl fiy ripen oton
S Wi orig sewr rig foot is usucf
Needle is not tfnn coded coiner tly
2Bobbin us not threaded correctly
3 Needfe/fobn it/thread | rotio is incorrect | |
4 | Incorrect tenusicins |
| foot pressure is too fiecivy | |
2 | Needle is too lam jr fi | fnrlim it |
3Wiong stitch fengili is used
4Tension is too heavy
Threod is of poor quality
Fool pressure is 100 light
Bobbin is thieoced incorrectly
Moteiiol is being pulled by operator
I Mac hint needc c,,l
2tint and oil residue hose collected in hook or on needle bar
3Inferior oil has been used and
4Needle is donaged.
5.Maiiiine requires servicing
1. Rethreod machine and needle
2Reduce tension on top (smaller numbers).
3.Use forger needle
4Reinsert needle (flat side toward bock).
5.Remove spoof, rewind excess thread
6tmrsertnew needle.
I. Reposition bobbin. Check by pulling thread. If it pulls
smoothly it is correct
2Check for correct threading
3Chonge bobbin tension according to instructions.
1Reinsert needle (flat side toward bockL
2Insert new needle
3Makfi rieeille size to fobrrc nnd threod weight.
4. Check to see if proper sewing foot i | used. |
5 | Check foot pressure regulation for proper setting |
I ricer t new needle. | |
2 | Reinsert niecifle correctly (flat side toward bock( |
3 | Mrrk hi riced Ic size to thin ecnd & fabr it weiglnt |
4 | I)o not pull nun cloth. C heck (or proper foot pr essure |
5.lice correct foot
1.Tfireod needle front to back
2Threod bobbin according to chart
3.Match needle size to thread & fabric weight
4.Set correct tensions
IReduce foot pressure (smaller rrumnnbens(.
2. Use smaller needle.
3Adust1 length for proper stitches 4(hec k terssnomss
I Use quality thread!
2.Increase foot pressure (lorger numbers).
3.Thread bobbin again and check for proper insertion. 4Do not pull on fabric Let it feed automatically.
Oil crccordi mm9 to iiitr ut tionS
7Clean race and hook according to irrstructions.
3Clean and oil again only with fine sewing machine oil (rmot
4Replace needle
5.Consult your specialist deafer.