Euro-Pro instruction manual To 2, Odel 377/374 M odel 373/372/372H

Page 16


T his is a good s tilch to us e in a tta ching or binding ela s tic fa brics a nd s tretch la ce, lingerie s tretch knit. T he s titch is decora tive a s well a s us eful.


M odel 377

M odel 374

M odel 373/372/372H

Presser foot

zigzag foot

zigzag foot







Pattern selector

C (


F (














Stitch length dial

1 to 2. 5

1 to 2. 5
















DOUB L E OVE R L OC K S T IT C H (Model E P 377 only)

U s e this vers a tile s titch to ins ert ela s tic in ga rments . S imply s titch ela s tic into pla ce, ma king s ure it is evenly s pa ced. To do this , ma rk the correct length piece into qua rters , then ma tch thes e ma rkings with center front a nd s ide s ea ms .

P res s er foot

z igz a g foot

P a ttern s elector

C (




S titch length dia l


S .

S .






T urn the ra w edgeunder 2cm a nd pres s . P la ce the fa bric right s ide up with the middle of the turnover under the center of the pres s er foot, s o tha t the s titch s ews on to the fold a nd jus t over the ra w edge undernea th.


T he built -in buttonhole mecha nis m of this ma chine ma kes it pos s ible to s ew button holes in a s hort time without turning the ma teria l.

M odel 377/374 M odel 373/372/372H

Presser foot

buttonhole foot

buttonhole foot

Pattem selector



S titch length dial

0. 5 to 1


R a is e the foot a nd the needle to its highes t pos ition. R epla ce the foot with the tra ns pa rent buttonhole foot for s ewing buttonholes .

Ma rk the loca tion a nd the des ired length of buttonhole on the fa bric us ing a pencil or ta ilor, s cha lk.


(S ta rt here)

F oot

S leigh

buttonhole foot

coa rs e

dens e

s titches

s titches

for hea vy

for light

fa brics

fa brics

N ote: (Model E P 377 and 374 only) *To find the mos t s uita ble s titch length, it is better to s ew a s a mple buttonhole on a piece of wa s te fa bric .

*W hen s ewing very fine fa brics a nd s ynthetics , de - crea s e the pres s ure of foot a nd s ew over a piece of pa per to prevent ya rn dis - tortion.

*T he ma rk on the s titch length dia l s hows a ra nge of

buttonhole s ewing. An a djus tment ca n be ma de by s etting the ma rk, a s


*B uttonhole s titch length is

adjus ta ble only on one s ide .

ra nge of

s titch length


Image 16 Contents
EURO-PRO Page ±¡ Important Safety Instructions EnglishContents Principal Parts Model HOW to USE the Foot Control HOW to Connect the Machine to the Power SupplyHOW to Replace the Sewing Lamp Changing the Needle Thread and Needle ChartTo Select a Suitable Needle How to adjust the bobbin thread tension Removing and Attaching the Presser FootModel Pattern Selector Model 373/372/372H RE Moving the Bobbin Case and BobbinThreading the Bobbin Case Winding the Bobbin Threading Needle Fig aOr O Or B Drawing UP the Bobbin ThreadOte * U s e a S T R E T C H needle IC OT ZIG ZAG S T IT C H Presser foot Zigzag foot Pattern selector Titch length dialTo 2 Odel 377/374 M odel 373/372/372HNglish ± ¡Sewing Buttonholes Model 373/372/372H ¡¡±Wing B L IND HE MS Model 377/374/373/372/372H HE Mming Model 377 onlyButtons Sewing EmbroideryCleaning the Feed DOG Cleaning the Shuttle RaceFree ARM Sewing Remedy RemedyYear Limited Warranty