Fluke 123
Users Manual
Displaying an Unknown Signal with | 13 |
Making Measurements | 14 |
Freezing the Screen | 16 |
Holding a Stable Reading | 16 |
Making Relative Measurements | 17 |
Selecting Auto/Manual Ranges | 18 |
Changing the Graphic Representation on the Screen | 18 |
Changing the Amplitude | 18 |
Changing the Time Base | 18 |
Positioning the Waveform on the Screen | 19 |
Smoothing the Waveform | 20 |
Displaying the Envelope of a Waveform | 21 |
TrendPlotting a Waveform | 22 |
Starting a TrendPlot™ function | 22 |
Changing the TrendPlot Reading | 23 |
Turning Off the TrendPlot Display | 23 |
Acquiring the Waveform | 23 |
Making a Single Acquisition | 23 |
Recording Slow Signals over a Long Period of Time | 25 |
Selecting | 26 |
Reversing the Polarity of the Displayed Waveform | 26 |
Triggering on a Waveform | 27 |
Setting Trigger Level and Slope | 27 |
Selecting the Trigger Parameters | 28 |
Isolated Triggering | 29 |
Triggering on Video Signals | 29 |