If you have difficulty with your telephone, please try the suggestions below. For customer service, visit our website at or call 1 (800)
My headset doesn’t work at all.
•Make sure the power cord is securely plugged in.
•Make sure that the battery is securely installed in the cordless headset.
•Charge the battery in the cordless headset for at least three hours. For optimum daily performance, return the cordless headset to its charger when not in use.
•Reset the headset. Power off the headset and then power it on.
•Other electronic products such as HAM radios and other DECT phones can cause interference with your cordless headset. Try installing your telephone base as far away as possible from these types of electronic devices.
•You may need to purchase a new battery. Refer to page 6 of this user’s manual.
The other party cannot hear my voice during a call.
• Adjust the speaking volume during a call.
There is no dial tone.
•Try all the suggestions above.
•Move the cordless headset closer to the telephone base. You might have moved out of range.
•Your telephone line cord may be defective. Install a new telephone line cord.
•Another phone on the same phone line may be in use.