3. Web Server Quick Guide
| Item | Unit | View |
| Description |
| Plant | Inverter |
| and |
| Group |
| Overall plant sta- | - | x |
| Red: Plant PR <50%, or: |
| tus |
| Any inverter in the network |
| - in fail safe mode, or |
| - missing from the scan list, no contact with the master |
| |
3 |
| Yellow: Any inverter in the network |
| - with PR<70%, or | |
| - in Connecting or Off grid mode | |
| Green: Plant PR ≥ 70%, and |
| |
| - all inverters with PR≥ 70%, and |
| - all inverters in On grid mode |
| x | Red: Inverter PR<50%, or inverter has an error |
| Yellow: Inverter PR between 51% and 70%, or inverter |
| in Connecting mode |
| Green: No errors, and |
| - inverter PR≥70%, and |
| - inverter in "on grid" mode |
| Current production | kW | x | x | Real time energy production level |
| Yield today | kWh | x | x | Cumulative yield for the day |
| Total revenue | Euro | x | x | Cumulative revenue earned since initial startup |
| Total CO2 saving | kg | x | x | Cumulative CO2 saved since initial startup |
| Performance ratio | % | x | x | Real time performance ratio |
| Total yield | kWh | x | x | Cumulative yield since initial startup |
| Power limit adjust- | % |
| x | Maximum power limit as % of nominal inverter AC output |
| ment |
| rating |
To calculate performance ratio PR, an irradiation sensor is required, see [Setup → Calibra- tion].
3.5. Additional Information
Refer to the Web Server User Manual to learn more about:
•Remote access
•Web portal upload
•Logging capacity and changing the logging interval
•Settings backup and restore
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