2.Attach shampoo brushes
Press shampoo brushes down firmly over brush shaft, rotating brush until it clicks into position.
Shampoo brushes are very soft to protect fine rugs and carpet. Do not use
3. Fill tank
Mix carpet shampoo according to directions on the container. Pour to the “FULL” line in the tank opening marked “CLEAN SOLU- TION”.
CAUTION: Do not use
4. Shampoo carpet or rug
Start at one end of the room and work toward a door so that it will not be necessary to walk on the damp carpet. It is recommended that an area 3 ft. x 3 ft. (Im x Im) be shampooed before moving to another area. Begin by lowering handle and moving control button to
Squeeze trigger intermittently to apply solution. Apply sparingly in order not to soak the carpet.
The type of fiber, surface texture, and height of pile will determine how much solution should be used. Guide