Technical Terminology
Liquids that can be used to a generate a cooling effect are known as refrigerants. They have a relatively low
Refrigerant Circuit
Closed circulation system that contains the refrigerant. The refrigerant circuit comprises primarily of an evaporator, a compressor, a condenser and pipe work.
The refrigerant is evaporated in the evaporator. Similar to all other liquids, refrigerant requires heat to evaporate. This heat is removed from the interior of the appliance, as a result the interior is cooled. The evaporator is therefore located inside the appliance or placed in foam immediately behind the inner wall and thus not visible.
The compressor looks like a small drum. It is driven by a builtin electric motor and is mounted on the base of the appliance at the rear. The task of the compressor is to draw in vaporised refrigerant from the evaporator, to compress it, and to pass it on to the condenser.
The condenser normally has the form of a grid. The refrigerant com- pressed in the compressor is liquefied in the condenser. During this process, heat is released to the surrounding air at the surface of the condenser. The condenser is mounted on the base of the appliance.