1.The wire coloured green and yellow must be connected to the ter- minal marked with the letter “E“ or by the earth symbol or col- oured green and yellow.
2.The wire coloured blue must be connected to the terminal “N“ or coloured black.
3.The wire coloured brown must be connected to the terminal marked “L“ or coloured red.
4.Upon completion there must be not cut, or stray strands of wire present and the cord clamp must be secure over the outer sheat.
1Warning! A
Reversing the door
The door hinges can be changed from right (as supplied) to left if required to suit the location where the appliance is installed.
1 Warning! Unplug from the mains before reversing the door.
01. Open the door and remove the plinth cover to the front. Move the door hinge bracket cover on the plinth cover from the left to
the right. Close the door.
2.With the door closed, remove the
door hinge bracket and remove the door hinge bracket down- wards.
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