Hold the back of the bottom XS212 enclosure and adjust the enclosure to the desired angle. Rotate the rear swing arms up and insert the arms into the rigging channels of the enclosure above. Install the rear
Because the XLD281 is a trapezoidal enclosure and the rigging hinges from the front, the bottom enclosure is tilted down relative to the top enclosure when the rear corners are pulled together. However, because the XS212 is a rectangular enclosure and the rigging hinges from the front, the bottom enclosure is tilted up relative to the top enclosure when the rear corners are spread apart. The logic for this becomes apparent when viewing the various array possibilities shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6a shows a column of XS212 systems rigged behind a column of XLD281 systems. In this case, the XS212 systems face backward, allowing the shape of the XS212 array to be adjusted to match that of the XLD281 array. Figure 6b shows a column of XS212 systems rigged above a column of XLD281 systems. In this case, the XS212 systems face forward and would be typically hung at 0°. Figure 6c shows a column of XS212 systems groundstacked underneath a column of XLD281 systems. In this case, the XS212 systems face forward and the ability to angle the XS212 systems up effectively allows the XLD281 systems to be angled downward (which is useful when stacking systems on a stage that is elevated above the audience).
Rigging XS212 and XLD281 Enclosures Together
An XLD281 enclosure may be rigged below an XLD281 enclosure using the procedure shown in Figure 7c. First remove the
Rotate the rear swing arms of the XLD281 as far forward as they can go, then lift the XLD281 enclosure underneath the XS212 enclosure and insert both front hinge bars into the rigging tubes of the enclosure above. Lock the extended hinge bars in the above enclosure by installing the remaining
There are a series of holes in the rigging channels on the top enclosure. The angle of the bottom enclosure relative to the top enclosure is determined by the hole in which the swing arm from the bottom enclosure is secured. When suspending an XLD281 below an XS212, the available angles for the XLD281 are 0° to 5°, adjustable in 1° increments, and are noted on the labels on the rigging channel. In the 0° position, the XLD281 enclosure is aimed at the same angle as the XS212 enclosure. In the 5° position, the XLD281 is aimed 5° down from the XS212.
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