Door Reversal
You will need a cross head screwdriver, a flat blade screwdriver and a 5mm spanner to carry out this procedure.
Our Service Department can arrange for an Engineer to do the conversion for you but a charge will be made.
WARNING: Switch off electrical supply and pull out the mains plug.
Remove all door furniture and all loose items/fittings from inside the fridge freezer.
If you have previously set up and used the fridge freezer and since decided to reverse the doors, you must remove stored food, wrap or cover it and place into insulated containers to keep cool/frozen whilst carrying out this operation.
Remove Top Door
1.Open the door as wide as possible.
Note : You may require assistance to do this:
2.Support the door and using a screwdriver, remove the screw securing the top hinge.
3.Lower the top hinge and carefully tilt the door to remove the top hinge from the cabinet. Lift the door off the centre hinge.
4.Remove the top hinge from the door.
Remove Lower Door
Note : You may require assistance to do this:
5.Open the lower door and while supporting the door, remove spacing washers and pin from the centre bracket. Note which way up the pin is fitted.
6.Lift the door off the bottom hinge.
7.Take the two screw covers off the centre hinge.
8.Unscrew the two screws to remove the centre hinge.
9.Using a flat blade screwdriver or a 5mm spanner, remove the bottom hinge pin complete with spacing washers, from the right hand hinge bracket.
10.Take the plastic cap from the left hand cover plate and use it to fill the hole on the right hand cover plate.