Coffee leaks around the filter | The filter holder is not | See paragraph "Preparing an |
holder. | mounted correctly or has not | espresso". |
| been tightened sufficiently. |
| There are coffee grounds on | Clean around the filter and the |
| the edge of the filter. | gasket. |
| The brewing head gasket is. | Clean the gasket with a damp |
| dirty. | cloth. |
| The brewing head gasket is. | Contact an approved Krups |
| defective. | service center. |
| ESE pod not positionned | Be sure that the paper edges are |
| correctly. | inside the basket. |
Pump is very noisy. | No water in the water tank. | Fill the water tank. |
| Water tank incorrectly inserted. | Press firmly down on the water |
| tank. |
| Coffee grounds too old or very | Use fresh coffee. |
| dry and the pump cannot |
| produce pressure. |
Water does not run throuhg. | No water in the water tank. | Fill the water tank. |
| Water tank incorrectly inserted. | Press firmly down on the water |
| tank. |
| The filter is blocked, the coffee | Clean the filter and he grid on |
| grounds are too fine or tamped | the head.See the paragraph |
| down too hard. | "Maintenance" and try a |
| coarser coffee. |
| Brewing head grid is encrusted. | Put the grid to soak in descaling |
| solution. |
| See paragraph "Maintenance". |
| Appliance needs descaling. | See paragraph "Descaling". |
Water runs through too | Coffee grounds too coarse. | Try a finer coffee. |
quickly. | Quantity of ground coffee is | Use the spoon provided to |
| ||
| insufficient. | measure out the coffee. |
| Coffee grounds not tamped | Tamp down the coffee again. |
| down firmly enough. |
The espresso has no froth | Coffee grounds too coarse. | Try a |
(froth on coffee). | Coffee grounds not tamped. | Tamp down the coffee again. |
| ||
| Coffee grounds stale or too dry. | Use fresh coffee. |
The milk is not very frothy. | Cappuccino accessory blocked. | See paragraph "Maintenance". |
| Milk not fresh. | Use very fresh milk. |
| Milk is lukewarm. | Put milk in refrigerator. |
| Milk not suitable. | Try another brand of milk. |
Lots of water on the coffee | Grounds not properly tamped | Tamp down the grounds. |
grounds. | down. |
| Insufficient quantity of ground | Increase the quantity of ground |
| coffee. | coffee. |