Hamilton Beach 840135100 manual Manzana, Pan, Col, Zanahoria, Apio, Queso, Parmesano, Huevos, Ajo

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840135100 Sv03.qxd 2/9/05 10:11 AM Page 40

Cuadros de procesamiento de alimentos

Cuchilla para picar/mezclar












1 mediana, pelada o sin pelar, sin


5 seg. gruesa

1 taza


centro y cortada en gajos


7 seg. fina

(250 ml)


2 rebanadas cortadas en cuadros



1 taza (250 ml)







12 cabeza mediana, sin centro y cortada


5 seg. gruesa

2 a 212 tazas


en trozos de 1 pulgada (2,5 cm)


10 seg. fina

(500 a 625 ml)







1 mediana, pelada, cortada en piezas


5 seg. gruesa

12 taza


de 1 pulgada (2,5 cm)


10 seg. fina

(125 ml)







2 tiras firmes, sin fibra, cortado en


3 seg. grueso

12 taza


piezas de 1 pulgada (2,5 cm)


5 seg. fino

(125 ml)







5 onzas (140 g) cortado en piezas de



1 taza


1 pulgada (2,5 cm)



(250 ml)






Galletas Graham

11 cuadros



34 taza (175 ml)







1 cocido, enfriado y sin cáscara; bien


1 segundo grueso

13 taza




3 seg. fino

(80 ml)


1 diente grande, pelado


10 seg.

2.5 ml







9 medianos


3 seg. grueso

2 tazas




5 seg. fino

(500 ml)






Nueces (duras y

1 taza (250 g)



34 a 1 taza





(175 a 250 ml)






Mantequilla de

1 taza (250 ml) de nueces


2 a 212 minutos

12 taza (125 ml)












1 mediana, cortada en cuartos


3 seg. gruesa

34 taza




5 seg. media

(175 ml)




7 seg. fina








12 taza (125 ml) apretado; seco;


5 seg. grueso

14 taza


sin tallo


10 seg. fino

(60 ml)






Pimientos verdes

1 mediano, sin semillas



34 a 1 taza





(175 a 250 ml)






NOTA: Cantidades máximas de alimentos recomendadas:




Frutas = 14 tazas (3,5 L)




Vegetales = 9 tazas (2,25 L)




Queso parmesano = 32 onzas (914 g)




Frutos secos enteros = 8 tazas (2 L)





Image 40
Contents Canada USAMéxico 01 800 71 16 Important Safeguards Other Consumer Safety Information Parts and FeaturesThis appliance is intended for household use only Using Your Food Processor Optional AccessoriesOptional Feature How to Lock the BowlHow to Assemble and Lock the Cover How to Operate the ControlsProcessing Tips and Techniques Processing Using Chopping/Mixing BladeChopping Mixing Blade Motor Shaft Processing Using Slicer/Shredder Slicer Shredder Disc Removable Drive Sleeve Motor ShaftFood Processing Charts Chopping/Mixing BladeSlicer Disc Shredder DiscTroubleshooting Guide Potential Problem Probable CAUSE/SOLUTIONCleaning, Storage and Maintenance Recipes SalsaCucumber Salad Au Gratin PotatoesCreamed Potatoes Sweet Potato PuddingCheddar Onion Cornbread 11⁄2 hours. Makes 6 servingsVegetable Lasagna Basic White BreadMakes 8 servings Crispy Catfish Fillets Apple CrispBaked Pineapple Bread Pudding ToppingChocolate Chip Cheesecake Soft Sugar CookiesFilling CrustCustomer Service Limited WarrantyPrécautions Importantes Pièces et caractéristiques Renseignements de sécurité pour les consommateursAccessoires en option Pour commander des accessoiresFonction en option Verrouillage du bolComment utiliser les commandes Comment assembler et verrouiller le couvercleOpération avec le couteau à couper/mélanger Conseils et techniques d’opérationCouteau à couper/ mélanger Arbre moteur Opération utilisant le disque pour trancher/râper Fin de la rotation du couteau avant ’enlever le couvercleTableaux de traitement des aliments Couteau à couper/mélangerDisque à trancher Disque à râperPetites pannes et solutions Problème Potentiel CAUSE/SOLUTION ProbableNettoyage, remisage et entretien Salsa RecettesSalade de concombre Pommes de terre au gratin Pommes de terre à la crèmePouding aux patates douces Quantité 6 portionsPain de maïs au cheddar et à l’oignon Croustade aux pommes Lasagne aux légumesGarniture Pouding au pain à l’ananas au four Gâteau au fromage aux copeaux de chocolatQuantité 8 portions CroûteService à la clientèle Biscuits tendres au sucreSalvaguardias Importantes Piezas y características Información adicional para la seguridad del consumidorFunción opcional Accesorios opcionalesCómo trabar el tazón Cómo ensamblar y trabar la tapa Cómo operar los controlesConsejos y técnicas para el procesamiento Cuchilla para picar/mezclar Eje motrizProcesamiento con el disco rebanador/rallador Manzana PanCol ZanahoriaDisco rebanador Disco ralladorGuía para solucionar problemas Cómo liberar las patas de la taza de succión después del uso Recetas Ensalada de pepinoPapas gratinadas Papas a la cremaBudín de camotes boniatos Se obtienen 10 porcionesPan de maíz con queso y cebolla Pan blanco básicoLasaña de verduras Filetes crujientes de bagreSe obtienen 8 porciones 15 y 20 minutos. Se obtienen 4 porcionesBudín de pan horneado con piñas Manzanas crujientesCobertura Pastel de queso con chispas de chocolate Galletas azucaradas suavesRelleno PastaPóliza DE Garantía Distrito Federal Nuevo LeonJalisco ChihuahuaHamilton Beach PROCTOR-SILEX, INC

840135100 specifications

The Hamilton Beach 840135100 is a versatile countertop appliance designed for families and cooking enthusiasts who seek convenience without sacrificing quality. This high-performance device excels in its ability to not only prepare food quickly but also ensure a consistent and delicious outcome, making it an invaluable addition to any kitchen.

One of the key features of the Hamilton Beach 840135100 is its expansive cooking capacity. With a generous 6-quart pot, it is ideal for cooking meals for large families or gatherings. This ample size allows users to prepare everything from hearty stews and casseroles to large cuts of meat or even multiple servings of vegetables all in one go. The pot itself is crafted from durable materials that distribute heat evenly, ensuring that food is cooked uniformly.

The appliance incorporates advanced technology aimed at enhancing the cooking experience. The programmable digital timer allows users to set cooking times, which can be invaluable for busy individuals who want to start meals in advance while attending to other tasks. Once the cooking time is complete, the Hamilton Beach 840135100 features an automatic keep-warm function that maintains the temperature of the food until it's ready to be served. This ensures that meals remain warm and ready for when family members arrive at different times.

Another significant characteristic of the Hamilton Beach 840135100 is its user-friendly interface. The appliance is equipped with simple controls that allow for easy adjustments, making it accessible for cooks of all skill levels. Additionally, the clear display makes it easy to keep track of cooking times and settings at a glance.

The design of the Hamilton Beach 840135100 also emphasizes safety and ease of use. The lid is designed for easy removal and is equipped with a secure locking mechanism that prevents spills during the cooking process. The handles are also heat-resistant, allowing for safe handling even when the device is hot.

In summary, the Hamilton Beach 840135100 stands out for its large capacity, advanced programming features, user-friendly controls, and thoughtful safety design. Whether you're simmering a slow-cooked chili or steaming vegetables, this appliance provides the functionality and efficiency that today’s busy cooks require. With its combination of quality and innovation, the Hamilton Beach 840135100 promises to simplify meal preparation while delivering delicious results every time.