About This Guide
Organization of this Guide
In this guide you will find information to prepare for and verify the antenna installation. The information is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 - Introduction (This Chapter)
Introduces the RoamAbout Outdoor Kit and describes where you can find the information to set up a wireless system.
Chapter 2 - Installation Guidelines
Describes the requirements that a site must meet before you start the antenna installation.
Chapter 3 - Determining Range & Clearance
Provides a quick reference to determine antenna height and clearance requirements.
Chapter 4 - Installing the Antenna
Describes how to mount a RoamAbout Outdoor Antenna to a mast or wall, and how to connect the antenna to the cable and to the Lightning Protector.
Appendix A - The RoamAbout 14-dBi Directional Antenna
Describes the RoamAbout
Appendix B - The RoamAbout 7-dBi Omni-Directional Antenna
Describes the RoamAbout
Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide |