soon as the CTS line on port A was lowered. At that time any of the other
Note that when a port is selected via the Master port, the CTS lines will be ignored until the Smart Switch receives the turn off command from the Master port. When a CTS line selects the Master port, all commands will be ignored until CTS goes low.
A typical application would be to tie CTS & RTS together on the Master port. So when CTS on a port is raised, RTS on that port also goes high establishing a connection for your hardware. Note that RTS will be low until connection to the Master port has been completed. The other ports will be held off because TD, RTS, and DTR will be low. After CTS goes low, the 232D4SS8 will scan the CTS lines starting with the next port. When there are no ports selected Port A will have first priority, port B second and so on.
Binary File Transfer
A simple method of using the Smart Switch to transfer binary files without the concern of it accidentally disconnecting, is to set the file transfer at a baud rate different from the baud rate of the Smart Switch. When transferring files at a different baud rate, the Smart Switch will stay connected from the last command control string.
Port Select Test
The 232D4SS8 has a
Documentation Number 232D4SS84502 Manual | 17 |
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