761x (VHF)
764x (UHF)
45 Watts
35 Watts
Copyright© 1998 by Transcrypt International Incorporated
Transcrypt offers communication solutions in two core areas: land mobile radio products and systems, and information security. EFJohnson land mobile radios and systems pro- vides wireless communication for a variety of markets including government, public safety, and commercial users. Transcrypt’s information security devices utilize sophisticated scrambling and encryption techniques to protect sensitive voice and data transmissions.
Viking Head/EFJohnson logo and Call Guard® are registered trademarks of Transcrypt International Incorporated. Smartrunk II™ is a trademark of Smartrunk Systems Inc. All other company and/or product names used in this manual are trademarks and/or regis- tered trademarks of their respective manufacturer.
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice.