Toro 2300-D Changing the Engine Oil and Filter, Checking the Cooling System, # &# $#, # 14 $!#

Models: 2600D 2300-D

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Changing the Engine Oil and Filter

Changing the Engine Oil and Filter

Change oil and filter initially after the first 20 hours of op- eration. Thereafter, change oil every 50 hours and filter every 100 hours.

1.Position machine on a level surface.

2.Locate engine oil drain plug on the bottom of oil pan and place a collecting pan below it. Remove drain plug and let oil flow into the collecting pan. When the oil stops draining, install drain plug.

3.Locate engine filter on the front of the engine. Re- move oil filter. Apply a light coat of clean oil to the new filter seal before screwing it on. DO NOT OVERTIGH- TEN.

Note: The crankcase capacity is approximately 2.8 qts. (3.0 L) with filter. The engine uses any high±quality 10W30 detergent oil having the American Petroleum In- stitute ± API ± ªservice classificationº CD.

4.Add oil to the crankcase.

A. Remove oil fill cap (Fig. 14) and gradually add small quantities of oil .


Figure 14

1. Oil fill cap

1 Checking the Cooling System

Figure 15

B.Check oil level frequently until the level reaches the FULL mark on dipstick (Fig 15). When removing the dipstick, wipe it with a clean rag prior to inserting it to check the oil level.

C.Push dipstick down into dipstick tube and make sure it is seated fully when finished (Fig 15).

1. Dipstick

Checking the Cooling System




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If the engine has been running, pressur-



ized hot coolant or steam can escape





Figure 16


when the radiator cap is removed. Burns


may result. Do not open radiator cap

1. Radiator cap

when the radiator or engine is hot.

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Page 3 ± 12

Reelmaster 2300±D/2600±D

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Toro 2300-D, 2600D Changing the Engine Oil and Filter, Checking the Cooling System, # &# $#, # 14 $!#, Page 3 ±