Hot Water
To check the incoming water temperature, turn on the hot water faucet nearest the dishwasher and let it run into a
glass in the sink. Place a candy thermometer in the glass and check the temperature once it has stopped rising. If the temperature is below 120 ° F (49 ° C), have a qualified person raise the water heater thermostat setting.
Before starting the dishwasher, turn on the hot water faucet and let it run until the water is hot. This assures that the initial fill of water is hot.
Use a detergent designed specifically for use in an auto- matic dishwasher. Be sure it is fresh and stored in a cool, dry place (not under the sink).
ii iliiii{iiiiiii' ' iiii'iiiiiiiAmo.m
iii!i,iiiiii'i'ii'i'iiiThe amount of detergent to use depends on the water
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin poor cleaning, hard water filming/spotting and poor
!!i!!!!i! drying. Too much detergent can cause permanent iii{iiiii:i{iijjiiii}iiii'II etching/cloudiness.
iliiiil}iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiXAs a rule, use 1 teaspoon ofdeter_entpergrain of water
i ii:i}!iiiiii hardness. Insoftwater, aminimumof3teaspoonsisrec-
line in the detergent cup represents 3 teaspoons. Add detergent and close the cover just before starting the cycle. The detergent automatically dispenses.
For Auto Clean, place the recommended amount of detergent in both the PREWASH and MAIN WASH cups
when dishes are not prerinsed. If dishes ARE prerinsed place detergent in the MAIN WASH cup only.
For Heavy or Normal Wash, place the recommended amount of detergent in both the PRE WASH and MAIN WASH cups.
Light Wash requires detergent in the MAIN WASH cup only.
Do not use detergent with Rinse Only. Leave the deter- gent cup lid open when running Rinse Only.
iiiiiiiii iM' :iiiiii{iiiiiii
iiiiili!iiiiiiiiiiiii}:iiiiiiiiiiiiiI | I | |
iiiiiiiiiiii[iii[{iHard | teaspoons |
iiii('{{!ii!i!i!i!i!i!ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*Your local water utility or state zmiversi O' extension service
iiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiitJZyo,,t/,cdcg,. o!w ,t r |
| yo,,. |
| ||
| |||||
i) | ii | teaspoon foreachgpgabove | 12) to | thebeginningofthe | |
iiiiiiiiiiii!!;{!:i!ii!iii,Wmainwashportionofthecycle. | Unlatchthedoor, | openit | |||
iiiiiiiiiii:iiiiislowlyandadddetergenttothebottomofthetubili:}!i{{iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | . |
If water hardness is 15 gp_ or harder, it is dimcult to iii;i;i'i'ili!iii!i!i!,ilachieve good results with any dishwasher. The solution
i{iiiiiiiiiil;i;i;i;i;i;iiiiiiiiiis amechanical watersoftenerto improve waterquality,
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii{iiiiiiiiii}}idetergent effectiveness and protect the dishwasher parts ii!i}}}i_:iiiiiiiiiiiifromthedamagethathardwaterdepositscancause.
iiiiii_i_i_i_?iiiiiiiiiiii{iDetergent Pacement
iii::i:iii | The recommended | alnount | of detergent is the per | cup | |
iiiii{{:ii!i!i!i!iiiiiiiidosage. Do notdivide | this | amountbetweencups. | Each |
Rinse Aid
Your dishwasher features an automatic rinse aid dis- penser located near the detergent cups in the door.
The clear window in the center of the dispenser cap allows you to see if there is rinse aid in the reservoir. When the window is colored, there is rinse aid in the dis- penser. When the window becomes clear, it is time to refill the dispenser. Check the dispenser monthly.
To add rinse aid to the dispenser, turn the cap counter- clockwise to open. Remove the cap and pour liquid rinse aid into the opening. Replace the cap and turn it clockwise.
Use the LESS setting for soft water and the MORE set- ting for hard water. Set the cap anywhere between these amounts as needed.