1.Use microwave trivet for chicken and other small poultry, but do not use trivet for cooking turkey breast.
2.Let chicken and other small poultry stand after microwaving for up to 10 minutes. Turkey should be allowed to stand 20 minutes.
FoodContier Cover ~wer hvel & ~me Commenti
Pieces | Plate or | Wax paper | High (10) | 2ti to 3 min. | Brush with browning agent if desired. | |
Whole chicken | oblong dish |
| per piece | Arrange in single layer in cooking dish so | |
| High (10) | 15 to 20 min. | thickest meaty pieces are to outside edges | ||
(8 pieces) |
| total | of dish. | |
Whole uncut | Oblong dish | 9 to 12 min. | Brush with browning agent if desired. Add | |||
(stuffed or |
| cooking bag |
| per lb. | 1/3 cup water to cooking bag. Slit bag near | |
unstuffed) |
| or wax paper |
| closure to vent. Do not use metal tie on bag. | |
| Cook breast side up. Or, place chicken on | |
| trivet in dish and cover with wax paper. | |
| Rotate dish 1/2 turn after half of cooking time. | |
Cornish Hens
Whole (stuffed or | Square or | Wax paper | High (10) | 6 to 8 min. | Place breast side down in dish. Turn over |
unstuffed) | oblong dish |
| per lb. | after half of time. |
| and trivet |
Halves | Square or | Wax paper | High (10) | 9 to 10 min. | Arrange skin side up in dish, on bed of |
| oblong dish |
| per lb. | stuffing, if desired. |
Oblong dish | Wax paper | High (10) | 6 to 8 min. |
and trivet |
| per lb. |
Shield bottom of legs, wings and tail.
Microwave breast side down for first half of time. Brush with browning sauce or broil top surface of cooked bird until brown and crisp.
~rkey Breast Oblong dish | Cooking bag | Medium (5) | 14 to 16 min. |
| per lb. |
Brush with browning agent if desired. Add 1/2 cup water to cooking bag. Slit bag near closure to vent. Do not use metal tie on bag. Cook breast side up. Or, place breast up in dish and cover with plastic wrap. Microwave at Medium (5) 21 to 23 minutes per pound. Remove plastic wrap, baste and rotate dish 1/2 turn after half of time.
1.Crust on breads will be soft, outside color of foods will be same as color of batter (outsides will not brown). If desired, sprinkle top of batter with
down breads by lining dish before microwaving with brown sugar caramel mixture, or savory topping like crushed canned French fried onion rings.
Food | Contier | Cover | Wwer hvel & ~me | Commenk | |
Coffee Cakes | No | Medium (5) | 6 to 8 min. | Arrange biscuits over brown | |
From refrigerated | dish* |
| topping before microwaving. Invert to serve. |
biscuits |
Corn Bread | 8 to | No | 9 to 11 min. | For flavorful browned topping, sprinkle | |
| tube dish* |
| cooking dish with finely chopped canned |
| French fried onions before microwaving. |
| Turn out of pan upside down to serve. |
Muffins | No |
| Use microwave muffin container or | |
(1 Muffin) | muffin cups |
| 1 to lfi min. | homemade muffin cups made by cutting | |
(2 to 4) | (Do not use |
| 1 to 2 min. | down hot paper drink cups. | |
(3 to 6) | foil liners) |
| 2% to 4% min |
| |
Quick Breads, Loaf | Glass loaf | No | 9 to 12 min. | Rotate dish 1/4 turn after half of cooking | |
| dish |
| time. When done, toothpick inserted in |
| center will come out clean. Let stand 15 min. |
| before turning out of dish. Cool. |
*If tube dish is unavailable, microwave in