Broiling with the Meat Thermometer (onmodelssoequipped)
You may use the meat thermometer for broiling, such as steak or ham slices. Prepare meat on broiler rack and pan as explained on page 15, “How to Broil:’ Set both OVEN SET and OVEN TEMP knobs to BROIL and leave door ajar as recommended, after placing probe in meat and oven as directed below.
Step 1: Use steak at least 1 to 1% inches thick. Lay probe on top of steak to determine the position probe is to be inserted. Gauge distance from edge to center of largest muscle; mark with thumb where edge of meat or fat meets probe. Be certain NOT MORE THAN 2 inches of probe, not counting handle, is left exposed outside of meat.
Step 3: For rare steaks cook first side to 90 on meat thermometer dial; for medium to 100; for well- done 110. Set Meat Thermometer Dial to preferred doneness.
Step 4: At sound of buzzer, turn steak; check probe to be certain it has not moved out of position. Reset pointer on Meat Thermometer and cook second side. See guide on oven near Meat Thermometer Dial.
●If there is a question about whether probe has moved out of position during cooking, turn knob so pointer moves down on dial until buzzer sounds. Note indicated temperature and reset pointer to SIGNAL OFF. Push probe farther down into roast, about 1 inch, then after a few minutes redetermine internal temperature as above. If new temperature is lower, the probe was probably out of position. If so, allow meat to cook to proper internal temperature.
Questions and Answers
Q. Can the meat thermometer remain in the oven if it’s not inserted in food?
A. No. Remove probe from receptacle when not in use. You could damage the probe by leaving it in during cooking operations that do not require the probe.
Q. May I insert the meat
thermometer into frozen foods? |
A. No. Foods must be completely |
defrosted before inserting probe. |
Q. Should I line broiler pan with |
aluminum foil when roasting? |
A. Yes, when using pan for |
marinating, cooking with fruits or |
heavily cured meats, or for basting |
during cooking. Avoid spilling these |
materials on oven liner or door. |
Q. How may I be sure that my |
roast will cook the same each time? |
A. When using the meat | — |
thermometer in roasting, the probe |
must be inserted properly. Check |
the position of the probe during |
cooking. Sometimes the probe slips |
or is touching bone, fat or gristle. |
Reposition probe correctly and set |
oven again to finish roasting. |
Step 2: Lifi probe from meat keeping thumb in place on probe. Insert probe as near as possible to center of thickness of steak. Push probe into steak to where thumb meets fat or meat.
●Let meat thaw enough to allow inserting probe. The probe is sturdy but take care not to force it too hard into roast.
●Do not disconnect probe during cooking. Use hotpads when removing probe at end of cooking. Do not use tongs to pull on cable since they may damage it.