1.H yourrefrigeratorhas adjustable(cantilever)Shelves, temporarilylocatebottomadjustable shelfhigherup in cabinet.
Ice traysare designedto release ice cubeseasily.Holdtrayupside- downovera containerandtwist bothendsto releasecubes.
A Kit
(optional extracost)
AGE automaticicemakerwill replacethe iceyouuse...
automaticallyIt. can keepyou suppliedwitha binfidofcubes— ice for everything,everybody— withoutfiss or muss.
If yourrefrigeratordid notcome alreadyequippedwithan automatic icemaker,youmayadd one— contactyourlocalGEdealer;speci@
3.Tiltand removethe cover.
4.Tiltand removethe drawer.
Model with
5.Grasprear of flexiblemeatpan cover,bendit upwardandpushit backuntilnotchon rightof cover linesup with tabon coversupport.
6Tiltcoverand takeit out.
7. Tiltand removethe drawer.
After cleaning, reverseprocedure to replace.
For ody oneor two icecubes, leavethe
Wash icetraysand storagebin in lukewarmwateronly.Do notput themin an automaticdishwasher.
at extracost.
w a i
i w fm.er
Yourice cubescan only be as
Its activatedcharcoal removesmusty,stale odorsand unpleasant medicinal,metallic tastes.A porousfiber cartridgecatchesdirt, rust particles,sandand silt whilespecial crystalsreducedeposits
of hard scale.w
The waterfilter is an optionat extracostand is availablefromyour GE dealer.Specifi WIW7X0214It. hascompleteinstallationinstructions and installsin minuteson 1/4”0.D. copperwaterline.