The door handlesandtrimcanbe cleanedwitha clothdampenedwith
asolutionof mildliquiddishwashing detergentand water.Dry witha soft cloth. Don’tuse waxon thedoor handlesand trim.
Keepthe finish clean. Wipewith
acleanclothlightlydampened withkitchenappliancewaxor mild liquiddishwashingdetergent.Dry andpolishwith a clean, softcloth. Do notwipethe refrigeratorwitha soileddishwashingclothor wet towel.Thesemayleavea residue thatcan erodethepaint. Do notuse scouringpads, powderedcleaners, bleachor cleanerscontaining bleachbecausetheseproductscan scratchand weakenthepaintfinish.
Protectthe paint finish. Thefinish on the outsideofthe refrigeratoris
AppliancePolishWax& Cleaner (Cat. No. WR97X0216)is available
Use warmwaterandbakingsoda
Otherpartsofthe refrigerator— includingdoorgaskets,meatand vegetabledrawers,ice storage bin and all
an openboxof bakingsodain the rear ofthe refrigerator,on the top shelf. Changethe boxeverythree months.An openboxof baking sodain the freezerwillabsorb stalefreezerodors.
Drainopeningin freezer compartment.Duringyearly
cleaning,removebottomfreezer basketandflusha solutionofbaking soda(oneteaspoon)andtwocupsof hot (notboiling)waterthroughthe drainline withthe helpof a meat baster.Thiswillhelpeliminate odor and reducethe likelihood
Care shouldbe takenin moving yourrefrigeratorawayfromthe wall. All typesof floorcoverings can be damaged,particularly cushionedcoveringsandthose with embossedsurfaces.pull the refrigeratorstraightoutandreturnit to positionbypushingit straightin. Movingyourrefrigeratorin a side directionmayresultin damageto yourfloor coveringor refrigerator.
For mostefilcientoperation,you |
willneedto keepthe condenser |
clean. Removethe basegrille (see |
page4) and eithersweepawayor |
vacuumup dustthatis readily |
accessible.For bestresults,use a |
brush speciallydesignedfor this |
purpose.It is availableat most |
applianceparts stores.Thiseasy | |
cleaningoperationshouldbe done | ~ |
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at leastoncea year. | |
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Insidethe freshfoodand freezer compartmentsshouldbe cleaned at leastoncea year. Unplugthe refrigeratorbeforecleaning.If this is notpractical,wringexcess moistureout of spongeor cloth whencleaningaroundswitches, lightsor controls.
of a cloggeddrainline.
If drainbecomesclogged,use a
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