O | Y Rp | e m f o r t i | gi |
1 | C | I | S |
F |
| ‘ | ‘ | 5 | F | F |
| E | C | 1 | C | 9 |
| I |
Energys |
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system | E- | |
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Youwon’tfind an “energysaver” | ||
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switchon this refrigerator. | ||
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Warmliquidfromtherefrigerator’s | - | |
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condenseris automatically | ||
circulatedaroundthefrontedgeof | ||
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the freezercompartmentto help | - | |
keepmoisturefromformingon the | Es&2. | |
qutsideofthe refrigeratorduring | ~ | |
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humidweather. |
| a |
| - | |
Manyrefrigeratorsuse special | - | |
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electricheaters.Thisrefrigerator | ~ | |
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needsnone.That’swhythereis no | - | |
- | ||
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“energysaver”switch.. there’s no | H | |
~ | ||
needfor it. |
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| - | |
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Yourrefrigeratorhastwocontrols thatletyouregulatethe temperature in thefreshfoodand freezer compartments.
m set them~
controlat 5 and the FREEZER controlat C
colderor warmertemperatures, adjustthedesiredcompartment controlone letteror numberat
a time.
WheninitiallySettingthecmtrois, or whenadjustingthem, allow24 hoursforthe temperaturesto stabilize,OrevenoutoDothk before fillingthe refrigeratorwithkwge amountsof freshor frozenfoixk
Turningthe freshfood cmtroi to 660FF99turnsoff
Howt Test
Use milk testfor thefresh
foodPlace a containerof milkon the top shelfin the freshfoodcompartment.Check it a daylater. If the milk is too
— - -
Use the ice creamtestforthe freezercompartment.Placea containerof ice creamin the center ofthe freezercompartment.Check it aftera day.If it’stoo hardor too soft,adjustthetemperaturecontrols.
Alwaysallow24 hoursforthe refrigeratorto reachthe temperatureyouset.
If yout your
hkwv60”F.a night
...youmaywantto turn thelettered controlonestepcolder,asfrom “C” to “D? Coolertemperaturesin the housemaycausethe compressorto operatelessfrequently,thus allowingthe freezercompartment to warmsomewhat.Toprotectyour frozenfoodsupply,leaveyour letteredsettingat this coldersetting for the entirewinteror for whatever periodof timeyouare turningdown yourthermostat.This is especially importantwhenthe thermostatis turneddownfor anextendedperiod.
Thischangeshouldhaveno effect on yourfresh foodcompartment. However,if freezingoccurs,turn the numberedcontrolonestep warmer,as from “5” to “4V
Whenyou stopturningthe therm&tatdown,tur{temperature controlsbackto their regular settings.
Nom | m |
It is notnecessaryto defrostthe freezeror freshfoodcompartments. Yourrefrigeratoris designedand equippedto defrostitself automatically.