GE TFX20, TFX19, TFXH22 and TFX24, TFX22 warranty JFre$h Mows so e, Soequipped, Onnmdeksoequipped

Page 7






Somemodelshave adjustable



shelvesin the fresh foodand

$helfsupportsat variouslevelsin


the fkeezercompartmentlet you

youto makeefficientshelf

repositionthe shelvesfromtimeto

arrangementsto fit yourfmily’s

timeto betteraccommodateyour


variableinventoryof frozenfoods.








mowsso e



L Whilepressingtabson shelf

supportson rightwall,lift shelf

‘libremoveshelves:Tiltshelfup at outof groovesin supports. front,thenlift it up andoutof tracks

on rear wallof refrigerator.

Engage top lug

Lower to lock into place


IfshelfsupportsIeveh on right wall do not hwvetabs, merelylowershelfintoplaceorI supportS.



Cansof frozenjuice are easily accessiblewhenstoredin therack on thefreezercompartmentdoor.

Additional cans go here

Place first can here

‘h shehs: Selectdesired shelfheight.Withshelffrontraised slightly,engagetop lugsin tracksat rear of cabinet.Then lowerfrontof sheifuntilit locksintoposition.

2. Pull shelfsidewaysuntilshelf rods comeout ofhokx on lefiwall.

3. Selectdesiredshelfheightand insertrodsintoholeson leftwali. at de$k’edlevel

TOload it, placefirst can in bottom openingofrack.Thenloadadditional cansintothe rack fromthe top.

Temperedglass shelves(on models so equipped)are adjustablein the samemanner.

ml right walflhavetibs9 lower shelfinto grooveson supportwhile pressingtabs. Be sureshelfwire is filly insertedintogrooves.

Image 7
Contents Modds’mxul Writedownthe m a ReadthisbookC.$m?fwyWiis SafetyWaterS t k RefrigeratorLocationRdkx’s Nom $MRe EnergysHowt Test If yout yourTipsm foods TimesSoequipped JFre$h Mows so eOnnmdeksoequipped Modelssoequipped Moist‘dhe!d’aDmvverCKeeper Sealed SnackPackModelsTFX22& T’FX24 Kit IkeDrainopeningin freezer compartment.Duringyearly Comk!nserFor shortervacations, remove When youmoveUse Possiblecaijseandiremedy Page Material Warranty