Alto-Shaam 1000-TH/III specifications LOW Temperature Electronic Cook & Hold Oven

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ITEM NO. _______________________

1000- TH/



HALO HEAT . . . a controlled, uniform h eat so urce th at m aintains close

temperaturetoler ances throughout th e co oking an d holding fu nction. Of fers uniform an d consi stent cooking on a d aily basis, lo w s hrinkage o f bu lk or po rtion-cut

protein i tems, h igher food moisture co ntent, and sig nificantly l onger ho ldin g lif e. Cooks, r oasts, re- heats , and holds in t he same c abinet with se t-and-fo rget controls to

provi de a better distribut ion of work loads .

Cooks by time or by probe to sense in ternal pr oduct te mperature and aut omatically converts fr om cook mode to hold m ode once th e se t p arameters h ave been rea ched.

Oven h oods, ou tside venting, and fire extinguisher sy stems ar e n ot re quired (IN MOST AREAS). Emission of gr ease laden air are less than U .L. e stablished sta ndards.

Eight programmab le menu buttons sto res f avorite r ecipes into m emory

(COOK /HOLD /TIME/PROBE SET-POINTS). Reduces operational requirements to simply loading the oven, pushing the power button, th e p reset me nu bu tton, an d start.

Clear, easy-to-read LED display indicates c ook ti me remaining or the f ull range of progr ammed oper atin g parameters.

When cooking by probe , th e o ven ma intains a r ecord o f t he hi ghest an d low est t empera tures sensed by the food prob e to a ssure f oods are co oked to th e t emperature required.

Oven i ncludes the p atent ed SureTempheat recovery system to assure immediate

compensation for any heat loss whenever the doo r is o pened a nd pr ovides an aud ible reminder if t he door has been left open fo r more than three mi nutes .

Antimicrobial hand le re tards the grow th of il lness -causing pathogens .


Single compartment oven with 20 gau ge, non-magne tic sta inles s steel exterior and door with magneti c door latc h.


Oven is equipp ed with two (2) stain less steel side racks wit h eight (8) pan pos itions space d on 2-5/1 6" (59mm ) cente rs,


three (3) stainless steel wire she lves, one (1) stain les s stee l drip pan with dra in, and one (1) ext ernal drip tray. Oven


includ es one (1) set of 3-1/2" (89mm) casters — 2 rig id, and 2 swive l with bra ke.









Electron ic control consist s of a 4 digi t L.E.D. displ ay, ON/OFF key for each comp artm ent; cook tempe ratu re key with an


adjustab le cook range from 200°F to 325°F (93°C to 162° C); time contr ol key with set- points from 1 minute to 24 hou rs;


probe con trol key with adju stabl e set-po int s betw een 50° F and 195°F (10 °C to 91°C); and hold tem pera ture key with an


adjustab le hold range from 60° F to 205°F (15° C to 96°C).

Cont rol inclu des eigh t (8) progra mma ble menu keys wit h


lockin g capability along wit h the ability to set indi vid ual cook and hold param eters ; hold mode count-u p timer,


indic ato r lights for operati on statu s; and start key. The con trol has a built-i n lock out fea ture and is equip ped with a


voltage con ver sio n feat ure to match the line volt age provid ed by the elec tric pow er suppli er.







■ MODEL 10 00-TH/III:Low tem perature cook and hold oven

with e lectronic contro l.


























Rea ch- in c ompartm ent is standard.



Stackable Design











Specif y pa ss-t hrou gh des ign as a spec ial orde r.


1000- TH/III Cooking & Ho lding Ov en can b e







* Pass-through ovens cannot have all doors hinged




stacked with an identical oven or 100 0-S Holding







on the same side.






Cabinet. Orde r appropri ate st acki ng ha rdware.



Rig ht-hand d oor swi ng i s stand ard .




Optiona l HACCP D ocum enta tion web -ba sed



Specif y l eft -hand doo rs as a sp ecia l order.


sof twar e pr ovides th e abil ity to monitor , store ,













Cooking ther mos tat li mit s et at 250 °F for restri cted



and p rint all re leva nt d ata.











areas of the U. S.A.





Optiona l HACCP with Kitchen Mana gem ent web -















Specif y on ord er as re quired.





based sof twar e provides th e a bil ity to progra m,






Solid door is st andard . Specify do or with windo w a s


control, monitor , and st ore all releva nt da ta.












a specia l ord er.
























5-Year Limited





























■ ➥Rig ht-ha nd doo r wi th wi ndow. [15 879 R]




heating elements













Left- hand d oor wit h w ind ow. [1 5881R ]



































■ ➥








on all cook and hold













W164 N9221 Water Street • P.O. Box 450




• U.S.A.








• Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53052-0450














262.251.7067 800.329.8744 U.S.A. ONLY

PR INT ED I N U . S . A .






#313 - 01/08







Image 1
Contents LOW Temperature Electronic Cook & Hold Oven Electronic Cook & Hold Oven
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1000-TH/III specifications

The Alto-Shaam 1000-TH/III is a state-of-the-art holding cabinet designed to meet the rigorous demands of commercial kitchens, especially in restaurants, hotels, and catering services. This innovative unit is characterized by its unique ability to maintain optimal food quality while ensuring that prepared meals are held at the ideal serving temperature.

One of the standout features of the Alto-Shaam 1000-TH/III is its exclusive Halo Heat technology. This groundbreaking technology evenly distributes heat throughout the cabinet without the use of traditional heating elements, which can lead to unwanted moisture loss and dry food. Instead, Halo Heat provides a gentle and consistent heat source that preserves the moisture and texture of food items, ensuring they are served fresh and delicious.

The Alto-Shaam 1000-TH/III is designed with versatility in mind. Its spacious interior can accommodate a variety of food pans and trays, making it suitable for holding everything from appetizers to main courses. The adjustable shelving allows operators to customize the layout according to their needs, maximizing space and efficiency.

Efficiency is further enhanced by the unit's digital control panel, which features an intuitive interface for precise temperature management. Operators can easily set and monitor holding temperatures, ensuring that food items are kept at safe and optimal levels. Additionally, the unit boasts a built-in, programmable timer to alert users when it's time to check on the food, helping to minimize waste and maintain high standards of service.

Energy efficiency is an important characteristic of the Alto-Shaam 1000-TH/III. The design incorporates high-quality insulation and a low-watt density heating system, which reduces energy consumption while maintaining consistent temperatures. This is not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective over time.

Furthermore, this holding cabinet is constructed with durability in mind, featuring a stainless steel exterior that is both sleek and easy to clean. The design ensures long-lasting performance, catering to the fast-paced environment of a commercial kitchen.

In summary, the Alto-Shaam 1000-TH/III is a reliable and efficient solution for food holding in busy culinary settings. With its Halo Heat technology, spacious design, digital controls, energy efficiency, and robust construction, it stands out as an essential tool for chefs and foodservice operators dedicated to serving high-quality meals.