When this parameter is set for "Normally Open", the relay is open when it is deactivated (readings are below LIMIT), and closes when the channel reading exceeds its LIMIT value. When this parameter is set for "Normally Closed", the relay is closed when it is deactivated (readings are below LIMIT), and open when
channel reading exceeds LIMIT value.
The display will show 'rLy N.O.' for relay Normally Open or 'rLy N.C.' for Normally Closed setting. Use SDIGT key to toggle between the two settings. Once the desired setting is displayed, push SETUP key to enter that value and go on to setting up Engineering Units.
Setup For Engineering Units
After setting a channel's relay for NORMALLY OPEN/CLOSED operation,
the next parameter to be set are the 3 letters that follow the process value in the display. These 3 letters represent the measurement units for that particular channel. Any desired combination of the following letters may be programmed:
The letter selection goes up to 'Y' and down to 'A' and from 'A' down to ' - ' sign. The '
Three dots are displayed if no engineering units are programmed for a channel. Whenever the input type is changed from one type to another, the system automatically clears the engineering units. Therefore, it is necessary to
this case is when a thermocouple selection is made. In that case, the unit automatically enters an 'F' or 'C' (Fahrenheit or Centigrade) depending upon the selected display units. However, just like the other inputs, any alternate units may be programmed for thermocouples.
The display will first show 'Cx UNIt' (x=channel #) after which the current UNITS will be displayed. Use SDIGT key (ref. Setup For High Scale) to setup desired UNITS. Once the desired UNITS are displayed, push SETUP key to enter them and then go back to 'SYS CH' display.
Setup for Thermocouple/ Thermistor/ RTD Inputs:
Turning Channels ON/OFF:
If selected option under 'IP tYPE' is thermocouple, RTD or thermistor, then the next step is turning the channel ON or OFF. This is done by pushing SDIGT key. Once the desired selection has been made, push SETUP key to go to the next step.
Temperature units:
This step configures the display units to Centigrade or Fahrenheit for the selected input. The display either shows "dEGrE C" or "dEGrE F" depending on previously selected units. Use SDIGT key to select alternate mode. Once having obtained the desired units, press SETUP key to go on to the next parameter. The following steps (i.e. channel setpoint, Channel limit, relay
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