NOTE: To exit from any point during SETUP procedure or to save the newly made changes, simply press and hold the RESET key until the display shows 'SAVING'. When the display shows 'SAVING', it is indicating that the unchanged and the newly made changes are being saved in the EEPROM for permanent storage. It is important that the above step be performed any time changes are made to the configuration of the unit and before power is removed. If not done so, all the new changes will be lost. The unit will, however, maintain the old settings.
After entering correct
Setup For Input Type
The display will briefly show 'IP TYPE' (for "Input type") after which the present input type for the selected channel will be displayed. Various inputs available are: J T/C, CR.AL T/C (Chromel Alumel, type K T/C), T T/C, E T/C, CURRENT, or VOLTAGE. If the unit has a noble metal thermocouple option, then only one T/C can be selected i.e. B T/C, R T/C, or S T/C. Use the SDIGT key to display the desired input type. Once the desired input type is displayed, push the SETUP key to enter that input type and go to Setup For Channel ON/OFF.
NOTE : If you have a millivolt input unit (instead of thermocouple), the various
types of inputs selectable are CURRENT, HI VOLT and LO VOLT (for millivolt input).
Setup for Voltage or Current Input:
Setup For Channel ON/OFF
After selecting input type, the next parameter for configuration is Channel ON/OFF, which determines whether a channel is scanned or not. If for any reason a channel is not being used, it must be turned OFF. In this way the unit will not spend any time scanning it. This will also prevent the unit from displaying a 'HELP' message on a channel that has nothing hooked up to it. Use SDIGT key to select the desired setting. If a channel is OFF, the display will show 'CHx OFF' , and if the channel is ON the display will show 'CHx ON' (x=channel #).
Use SDIGT key to display the desired ON/OFF setting, and then push SETUP key to enter that setting and go on to setup Decimal Point Position.
Setup For Decimal Point Position
After turning a channel ON or OFF, the next parameter for configuration is setting the decimal point position. This is indicated by the display showing ' 9999' . SDIGT key moves the decimal point through all the possible positions. After '9.999', the display goes to '9999' which indicates a display with no decimal point. Use SDIGT key to move the decimal point to the desired position, and then push SETUP key to enter that setting and go to setup High Scale.
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