GI~tx,h witlr yuu, utiliticsfor clootrionl codeswhich apply in your
arpg If thm are no local codes, the Natronal Electmat Code,
National Fire Protection Association
Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02269
An adequate electrical supply and outlet must be used to operate the electrrcal parts of your oven. The oven cord has three prong plug and must be used with a properly grounded three hole outlet with a standard 120 volt, 60 cycle AC household current.
Install the electrical outlet belowtheoven on the right side. It should be easily reached through cabinet doors below the oven. See Figure 5.
The preferred method of electrical
do not have a grounded (three hole) outlet, have a qualified electrrcian change your old outlet or install a new one.
A grounding adapter plug may be used to convert atwo hole outlet to a three hole until a grounded outlet can be installed. See Figure
3. Thrs should be done only temporarily and only if the two hole outlet IS properly polarized and grounded. Have a qualrfred electrr- clan test the outlet to be sure it meets all requirements.
Always unplug the oven cord before makrng any electrical repairs to the oven. When unplugging the oven, always grasp the plug, never the cord. Never use an extensron cord to connect the oven to the electrrcal supply.
Do not under any circumstances cut or remove grounding prong from oven cord.
create a hazardous condition.
FIG. | 2 | FIG. | 3 |
A Do not operate the burners of this oven when using L.P. (bottled) gas before converting the pressure regulator and burner orifices for
You must follow local codes when installing your
1987. You can get a copy by writing:
American Gas Association
1515 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, (Rosslyn), VA 22209
If the oven is to be installed in a mobile home, the installation must
conform to the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Stan-
dard, Title 24, HUD, Part 3280 or, when not applicable, the
Standard for Manufactured Home Installations 1982 (Manufac-
tured Home Sites, Communities and
or with local codes. You can get a copy of the Federal Standard by writing:
Office of Mobrle Home Standards
HUD Building 451 7th Street, S.W.
Washrngton, D.C. 24010
The gas supply must be shut off before removing an old oven and stay off until the hookup of the new oven is finished. You should know where your main gas shut off valve is located.
Never reuse an old connector when installing a new oven.
Be sure no strain is put on the connecting line assembly. To prevent gas leaks, put a pipe joint compound which resists the action of L.P. gas on the male (outsrde) threads only.
Use l/2” gas inlet pipe. The hole for the gas inlet pipe should be
Put the oven into the cabinet. Remove the storage drawer. The oven door may be removed before inserting the oven into the cabinet to lessen the weight. See the instructions in the Care and Cleaning section of the Use and Care Manual.
When the oven is in place, reach through the access opening and connect the oven tubing to the reducer shut off valve (see point B in Figure 5). Use a 5/8” wrench to turn the fi!ting. Tighten the fitting snugly but do not force it. Forcing could damage the fitting and tubing and cause leakrng.
Apply a soap solution to all connections in the supply line, manifold and oven to test for gas leaks. Do not use an open flame to look for leaks. Bubbles will form where any gas is leaking. Turn offthe main gas supply before you try to stop a leak. After all leaks are stopped, turn on the gas supply and recheck all connections for leaks before lighting burners. All leaks must be stopped before lighting any
After electrical and gas conneclions have been made, place asprrit level on one of the oven racks and make sure oven is level. If necessary, adjust leg levelers (see page 6).
Use a 1/8”drill bit todrill holes in thecabinet front, through the holes in the oven side trim. Secure the oven in the cabinet with the screws provided.
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