User Level Setpoints - O5DMA
Code | Parameter Name | Min | Max | Units | O5DMA |
| Setpoint |
| °C/°F | 38 |
PS | Password | 0 | 199 |
| 22 |
/C | Offset for air temp sensor | 127 | °C/°F | 0 | |
| (in tenths of a degree: i.e. a value of “1” adds 0.1° to value) |
rd | Regulator differential (superheat) set point (a “0” in this field = 0.5°C or 0.5°F) | 0 | 19 | °C/°F | 3 |
dI | Time between defrost cycles (defrost interval) | 0 | 199 | hours | 6 |
dt | Defrost temperature termination set point | 127 | °C/°F | 44 | |
dP | Max duration of defrost if using electric or hot gas defrost, or the actual | 1 | 199 | min | 42 |
| duration of defrost if doing timed defrost |
dd | Drip time | 0 | 15 | min | 0 |
d8 | Alarm delay after defrost | 0 | 15 | hours | 1 |
d/ | Defrost probe reading |
| °C/°F |
AL | Low temperature alarm differential (subtract this value from the temperature | 0 | 127 | °C/°F | |
| set point to get low alarm temperature set point) (0 = no low temp alarming) |
AH | High temperature alarm differential (add this value to the temperature set | 0 | 127 | °C/°F | 20 |
| point to get high alarm temperature set point) (0 = no high temp alarming) |
F1 | Fan on at temperature set point (used if F0 = 1) | 199 | °C/°F | 5 | |
Fd | Fan delay after defrost drip time for each F0 value | 0 | 15 | min | 1 |
H5 | ID code for programming key | + |
| 8 | |
T | External parameter programming | 199 |