Food storage guide
leafy vegetables (lettuce, celery and parsley) Before storrng, remove the store wrap and trim off brursed areas Wash in coo water and dram slrghtly Water should be clrngrng to the greens as they go ,nto the crisper This water provides the atmosphere
of high humrdity necessary for keeprng the leafv
degetobles fresh and crisp durrng storage
Vegetables with skins (tomatoes and peppers] Wash. dry and store 1’1a crisper
Frults Wash, dr, and store In CI crisper Nrth vege~
tables SUC~I OS tcmotoes Berrres keep better if not washed or hullec until ready 10 use Sort then store berries in a loose v closed paper bog and store on
refrigerator shelf
Meat* Meat IS pt+rlshable ano proper care IS essen-
tlcl to mantarrtrg Its keeprng qualities Store fresh
meat or‘ the lnterlor refrigerator shelves Vefer to +he
chart or this paje ‘or recommended refrigerator food storage timrs
Cold cuts Store them In their orrgrnal wrapping unto
you are ready to use Once the package IS opened tightly rewrap unused cold cuts In plastic wrap or alu mrnum foil
VarietyMeats . . . ...’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “fto2 Chlckeh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to2
SteaksandR&sts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3to5 Cured Mats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 tot0 Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St07 Cold Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 to5
*If meal is shred Q day or two longer tlwn the above
recommend&time, wrap +I air tigr\tpc+agirig and store in freezer compartment
Fresh meat, prepackaged by the meat retailer
Store IV refrigerator rr\ the ortgrnal wrapping T?efer*o
the chart follow r g for recommended refrigerator srorage times
Fresh | meat, | not | prepackaged.. | Remove | from the | ||
market | wrapprng | paper, | wrap | loosely in plastrc | wrap | ||
or aluminum | foil. | Refer to | charton | thus page | for | recom- | |
mended | storage | times |
Prepackaged frozen meat “lace II the freezer
compartment or freezer tray immediately after pur chose unless It IS 1? be defrosted for cooking
Cooked meats [leftovers) Cool wtthir one to twcm hours after cooker g, then cover or wrap tigh#t’v with plastic wrap or a~clm~r,um loll to yreven’ drying. ahd
store Nn the refrigerator Bones may be removed tc conserve storage space but meat should be left lr as large a piece as oossible
Meats cookec IK laL,ld fc’r fuure ser\‘rg should be ctioled urcoveree j wlthrr one to two hours then co:‘-
ered ana stored I’ rhe refrigerator To speed cooiirg
when meat IS cot ed 1r1lrqurd, the pan contanihg the cooked meat ma, be set where there ISgood circula tl#~)r>~1 cool air or * may be cooled by sett’ng the par 1’ cola or rur nirg water
Cured and smoked meats Keep bej’ 11:orIgina
KraL)pir~g After .pening rewrap tigPS+l; ir plustIc wrap clr alun~~nur fcil
Cooked meat Nrop or icver tight y &PI pIas- c
vircip or aluminur fuil
‘Courtesy of Nat’1 Live Stock and Meat Board
NOTE: fresh fish and shellflsh should be used the some day purchased
Eggs Store withol,t washing in the algIno carton :x use Ihe egg nest 1r1 the door
Milk Wipe milk cartons For best storage, place milk oh, top Interior shelf
Beverages Wipe bottles and cans Store on lower door shelves beneath the egg nest or Interior shelves
Butter Store daily needs on serving dash In butter
compadment Wherl storing an extra supply wrap In
cllr tigh’ packaging and store in freezer cornpart - Ienr zr oh top door shelves
Cheese Store in orrgrnal wrapping until you are
ready to use Once the package IS opened, rewrap
:ghtly in plastrc wrap or aluminum foil Store on rntertor
refrigerator shelves
Condiments Store catsup, mustard, jelly. olrves. p’ckles etc on door shelves NOTE: Store botiled and conneo items oh door shelves beneath the egg nest
leftovers ..Always cover the container with plastic wrap or aluminum for1 to keep food from drying Store
on refrigerator shelves
Ice Cream.. Store on the bottom of the freezer com-
partment. Once package is opened, place a piece of aluminum foil or plastic wrap snugly against the surface of the ice cream. This will prevent ice crystals from forming.
Frozen soups, juices Store in freezer compartment
Packaged frozen food Store ~rl freezer comport Ilent or In the
Frozen meats Wrap in freezer packaging material
xr d store in freezer ccmpartment or freezer tray
Ice trays Place ‘on the bottom of the freezer