Cooking automatically after defrosting
The controls can be set so the mrcrowave oven goes automatically from defrostingto the Cook Cycles you have touched in
1. Put frozen food in the oven and close the door.
The QUICK DEFROST Signal Ltght will come on and the Display will show four O’s
3. Touch Number Pads for defrosting time you want.
4. Touch COOK CYCLE 1.
5. Touch Number Pads for the cooklng time you want In the first cycle.
6. Touch COOK POWER. (Options: Sklp to step 8 it you want the first cycle to cook at hlgh power. Skip to step 12 It you want only one cycle at high power.)
7. Touch a Number Pad for
the Cook Power you want In the first cooking
A4 cycle.
The Drsplay wail show the numbers you touched in the order you touched them. This example shows 2 mrnuies, 30 seconds
The COOK CYCLE 1 Signal Light will come on and the Display will show four O’s
The Display will show the numbers you touched in the order you touched them. This example shows 3 minutes, 25 seconds.
The COOK POWER Signal Light will come on and the Display will show two O’s