6.Keep the fry tank covered when not in use. This will prevent air from oxidizing the frying compound and will keep impurities out.
7.Watch for the signs of shortening break down. An unusual darkening of the shortening or smoking are the first signs of break down. Foaming, objectionable
change in flavour of the product and fuming also indicate a break down of the frying compound.
8.Set the thermostat to 200°F (93°C) during idle periods. This will conserve energy and extend frying compound life.
NOTE: This Appliance is not Protected against Water Jets. Do not Clean with Water Jets.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel should be cleaned using a mild detergent, a soft cloth and hot water. If it is necessary to use a non- metallic scouring pad, always rub in the direction of the grain in the metal to prevent scratching. Wash a small area at a time and rinse the washed area with a clean sponge dipped into a disinfectant and wipe dry with a soft clean cloth before it can dry.
Use only stainless steel, wood or plastic tools to scrape off heavy deposits of grease or oil. Do not use ordinary steel scrapers or knives as particles of iron may become embedded and rust.
Enamelled / Painted Surfaces
Establish a regular cleaning schedule. Any spills should be wiped off immediately. The unit should be allowed to cool down before cleaning any exterior surfaces. Wipe
exposed surfaces when cool with mild detergent and hot water. Stubborn residue spots may be removed with scouring pad. Dry thoroughly with a clean cloth.
To ensure efficient and safe operation of the appliance it is recommended that servicing is carried out at regular intervals, the frequency of which will vary, depending on the installation conditions and usage. Usually once per year is adequate.
Competent persons in accordance with the law must carry out servicing.
It is essential that the instructions in this booklet be strictly followed for the safe and economical operation of the equipment. If it is known or suspected that a fault exists on the appliance then it must not be used until a competent person has rectified the fault.
Page 8 | Part # P157 (08/04) |