| European |
Guarantee conditions | |
AEG offer the following guarantee to | 6. The purchaser's sta utory rights are |
the first purchaser of this appliance: | t affectedguaranteeby this guarantee. |
1. The guarantee is valid for 12 |
months commencing when the |
appliance is handed over to the first | If you should move to another country |
retail purchaser, which must be | within Europe then your guarantee |
verified by purchase invoice or | moves with you to your new home |
similar documentation. | subject to the following qualifications: |
2. The guarantee covers all parts or |
components which fail due to faulty | The guarantee starts from the date you |
workmanship or faulty material. | first purchased your product. |
The guarantee does not cover |
appliances where defects or poor | The guarantee is for the same period |
performance are due to misuse, | and to the same extent for labour and |
accidental damage, neglect, faulty | parts as exists in the new country of |
installation, unauthorised | use for this brand or range of products. |
modification or attempted repair, |
commercial use or failure to | This guarantee relates to you and |
observe requirements and | cannot be transferred to another user. |
recommendations set out in the |
instruction book. | The product is installed and used in |
3. Should guarantee repairs be | accordance with our instructions and is |
necessary the purchaser must | only used domestically, i.e. a normal |
inform the nearest AEG Service | household. |
Force Centre. AEG reserves the |
right to stipulate the place of repair | The product is installed taking into |
(i.e., the customer's home, place of | account regulations in your new |
installation or AEG workshop). | country. |
4. The guarantee or free replacement |
includes both labour and materials. |
5. Repairs carried out under guarantee |
do not extend the guarantee period for the appliance. Parts removed during guarantee repairs become the property of AEG.