The CPU Architecture consists of 4 main functional regions. The Ethernet Controller, the PCI Interface, the MCU Core and System Memory. These regions form a highly integrated embedded system. The Backplane Architecture consists of 3 main regions. The Communication Connec- tors, the DIMM and PCI Slots and the LCD Connector. These regions complete the dimmPCITM system.
The MCU Core
The MC68VZ328 provides system designers more performance with the capability of running at higher speed while achieving lower power consumption with a true static core. The MCU features a fully static synthesizable FLX68000 Core Processor. This processor provides more than 5 MIPS performance at 33MHz processor clock. The DragonBall VZ also provides a UART, Timer/PWM, Parallel I/O, LCD Controller, DRAM/SDRAM Controller, SPI, and RTC.
System Memory
The module provides up to 8 MB of FLASH ROM and up to 32 MB of SDRAM. These are configured as
The LCD utilizes the main system memory as the display memory. With SDRAM there is a single LCD DMA cycle transfer.
Memory Map
The Dragonball VZ has four pairs of chip selects, CSA0 & CSA1, CSB0 & CSB1, CSC0 & CSC1, and CSD0 & CSD1. Individual chip selects are not completely configurable; rather, the chip selects are configured as pairs. Chip select pairs share a base address (the addressable region of the second chip select begins immediately after the addressable region of the first), the size of the addressable area (relative to the base address), the number of wait states, and whether it is an
When SDRAM is enabled, the Dragonball VZ consumes five of the chip selects. CSB1, CSC0, CSC1 become WE, RAS, CAS and CSD0, CSD1 become CS suitable for SDRAM only. The
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