The machine may be stopped at any time by opening the door. When restarted, the cycle does not start over. It will continue from the point at which it was interrupted.
7.Check the rinse temperature during the final rinse (120 seconds into cycle). The rinse temperature must be 82°C/180°F minimum for models
8.The pump will automatically stop and the green cycle light will turn off indicating the cycle is completed.
9.Open the door and remove the rack.
10.Repeat steps
11.CLEAN the scrap screen after every meal period. During heavy usage, the scrap screen should be cleaned more frequently.
!Poor machine performance and/or damage to the machine can occur if the scrap screen becomes clogged with soil or waste particles.
12.To drain water out of the tank at the end of each day. Flip ON/FILL/OFF/DRAIN switch to DRAIN position. Close and latch door. Machine will drain completely in approximately 105 seconds.
!DO NOT LEAVE WATER IN THE TANK OVERNIGHT. Water left in the tank overnight will allow harmful chemicals to deteriorate the tank.