D I P A N D F L O W C O O L E R S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L
Daily Maintenance
As mentioned earlier, it is imperative that the air flow is not impeded in any way. It is important that the grilles are kept clean and clear at all times. Even dust and fluff can impair the performance, therefore the units must be used in a clean environment or they should be regularly cleaned.
Fault Finding
1 Check that the airways have not been restricted either by something placed in front of them or through build up of dust and fluff on the grilles, etc.
2Loss of performance is most often caused by deterioration of the working liquid. As a first check always mix up a new batch of
liquid and
3The next most common cause of poor performance is that the liquid is not being circulated over the coil or through the heat exchanger properly. First check that the pump unit is not blocked either by foreign matter or by balls from a ball blanket or in any other way. Also check that the pipe system, if you are using the fridge unit for an external system, is not kinked or restricted in
any way.
4If the liquid or the circulation is not the cause of the poor performance then there may be a number of other causes.
5Check that the internal fan is running by feeling if there is air blowing when the unit is on. If not then the unit needs servicing as below.
6Check that the compressor is running by listening for it to start and stop as the unit gets to its lowest temperature. If not then the unit needs servicing as below.
7Last of all the unit may have lost gas and needs servicing as below
8For detailed repair instructions of the thermoregulator refer to the appropriate model instructions.
NOTE: Before any work is undertaken on the thermoregulator it
MUST be removed from the bath.
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