The graticule lines can be displayed or hidden, and the graticule text labels can also be displayed or hidden. Amplitude markers may also be overlaid onto the main graticules. These are horizontal lines that can be used to mark out important levels. It is possible to define multiple markers, and change which is displayed, or to display several at a time.
Note that the units for both axis of the graticules are customizable, using the global selection on the File/Preferences menu selection. See page 10 for details. As an example, this can switch between decimal or hexadecimal values, or into a mV scale.
Lastly graticule calibration can be based around the standard SMPTE range of 64 to 940/960 (expressed as decimal, in 10 bit format), or alternatively around the full range of 0 to 1023 (again decimal, 10 bit). Full range video formats are particularly useful in Dual Link when using RGB signals. For example, Thomson Viper cameras generate RGB in the range 0 to 1023. Other cameras generate RGB in the range 0 to 940, so having the variable calibration means the waveform monitor can be correctly set to suit.
The visibility of the crosshair can be toggles. The crosshair appears as a cursor at a given horizontal position on the waveform. If several components are displayed in the waveform, then the cursor appears in the same place on each component. The position of the cursor can be changed by clicking within the waveform.
Active tooltips causes a small box to follow the mouse pointer providing the X and Y co- ordinates of the point under the pointer.
The ‘Look and feel’ menu selection opens a dialogue box that permits customization of colours of various items.
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