Never Start on Speeds Above 1 with
Hot Liquids to Avoid Possible Burns.
Escaping steam, splashes or contents may scald.
To secure the contents, lock the lid and lid plug securely in place prior to operating the machine.
Always start on Variable 1, slowly increase to 10.
Variable Speed
Before using the Variable Speed option, always begin with the Variable Speed Dial marker pointed at the Stop Symbol () at the top of the dial.
1.Rotate the dial right to Variable Speed 1.
2.To activate the blending process, press down on the Start / Stop Switch.
3.Slowly turn the Variable Speed Dial to the desired speed depending on the recipe used.
4.At the end of the blending cycle, rotate the Variable Speed dial back to the Stop Symbol () at the top of the dial.
Use the highest setting called out in the recipe for as much of the processing time as possible to make
Blending too long at too low of a speed setting will overheat the machine and cause the Automatic Overload Protection to turn off the machine. Blending on higher speed maximizes the motor’s cooling fan to avoid overheating.
If the mixture stops circulating, you may have trapped an air bubble. To resolve Insert the tamper through the lid plug and stir until it “burps.” If this does not work, press the On / Off switch to stop the motor. Remove the container from the motor base, and use a rubber spatula to press the air bubble away from the blades. Return the container to the motor base, replace the lid, and continue blending.