Gardena 1559 manual AquaContour, Automatic, 98/37/EC, 2006/42/EG, 2004/108/EC, EN ISO 1200-104/04

Page 11



Bezeichnung des Gerätes:



Description of the unit:

Large-Area Pop-up

MaschinenVerordnung (9. GSGVO) / EMVG / Niedersp. RL





Der Unterzeichnete GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,




Désignation du matériel :

Arroseur escamotable

D-89079 Ulm, bestätigt, dass die nachfolgend bezeichneten Geräte in der von





uns in Verkehr gebrachten Ausführung die Anforderungen der harmonisierten




Omschrijving van het apparaat:

Verzonken multi-instelbare

EU-Richtlinien, EU-Sicherheitsstandards und produktspezifischen Standards





erfüllen. Bei einer nicht mit uns abgestimmten Änderung der Geräte verliert





AquaContour automatic

diese Erklärung ihre Gültigkeit.










G EU Certificate of Conformity

Descrizione del prodotto:

Irrigatore Pop-up per



superfici irregolari

The undersigned GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,

Descripción de la mercancía:

Aspersor emergente de

D-89079 Ulm, hereby certifies that, when leaving our factory, the units indicated



múltiples superficies

below are in accordance with the harmonised EU guidelines, EU standards of

Descrição do aparelho:

Aspersores embutidos de

safety and product specific standards. This certificate becomes void if the units



grandes superfícies

are modified without our approval.

Beskrivelse af enhederne:

AquaContour automatic







F Certificat de conformité aux directives européennes












Le constructeur, soussigné : GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-



Str. 40, D-89079 Ulm, déclare qu’à la sortie de ses usines le matériel neuf



Art. No.:


désigné ci-dessous était conforme aux prescriptions des directives europé-

Type :


Référence :


ennes énoncées ci-après et conforme aux règles de sécurité et autres règles



Art. nr.:


qui lui sont applicables dans le cadre de l’Union européenne. Toute modifica-


automatic :

tion portée sur ce produit sans l’accord express de GARDENA supprime la


Art. :


validité de ce certificat.



Art. Nº:






Art. Nº:


N EU-overeenstemmingsverklaring





Varenr. :






Ondergetekende GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,




D-89079 Ulm, bevestigt, dat het volgende genoemde apparaat in de door ons



in de handel gebrachte uitvoering voldoet aan de eis van, en in overeenstem-

EU directives:



ming is met de EU-richtlijnen, de EU-veiligheidsstandaard en de voor het pro-



98/37/EC :1998

duct specifieke standaard. Bij een niet met ons afgestemde verandering aan

européennes :

het apparaat verliest deze verklaring haar geldigheid.


2006/42/EG : 2006



EU direktiv:

S EU Tillverkarintyg


Direttive UE:

Normativa UE:



Undertecknad firma GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,

Directrizes da UE:



D-89079 Ulm, intygar härmed att nedan nämnda produkter överensstämmer



EU Retningslinier :



med EU:s direktiv, EU:s säkerhetsstandard och produktspecifikation. Detta







intyg upphör att gälla om produkten ändras utan vårt tillstånd.

Harmonisierte EN:

EN ISO 1200-1:04/04



I Dichiarazione di conformità alle norme UE



EN ISO 1200-2:04/04

La sottoscritta GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,









D-89079 Ulm, certifica che il prodotto qui di seguito indicato, nei modelli da noi

Anbringungsjahr der CE-Kennzeichnung:


commercializzati, è conforme alle direttive armonizzate UE nonché agli stan-


Year of CE marking:



dard di sicurezza e agli standard specifici di prodotto. Qualunque modifica



Date d’apposition du marquage CE :


apportata al prodotto senza nostra specifica autorizzazione invalida la presente


Installatiejaar van de CE-aanduiding:




CE-Märkningsår :






Declaración de conformidad de la UE

Anno di rilascio della certificazione CE:


Colocación del distintivo CE:






El que subscribe GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,

Ano de marcação pela CE:



D-89079 Ulm, declara que la presente mercancía, objeto de la presente de-

CE-Mærkningsår :



claración, cumple con todas las normas de la UE, en lo que a normas técni-









cas, de homologación y de seguridad se refiere. En caso de realizar cualquier





modificación en la presente mercancía sin nuestra previa autorización, esta





declaración pierde su validez.










P Certificado de conformidade da UE





Os abaixo mencionados GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,





D-89079 Ulm, por este meio certificam que ao sair da fábrica o aparelho





abaixo mencionado está de acordo com as directrizes harmonizadas da UE,



Peter Lameli


padrões de segurança e de produtos específicos. Este certificado ficará nulo

Ulm, den 01.08.2006

Technische Leitung

se a unidade for modificada sem a nossa aprovação.

Ulm, 01.08.2006

Technical Dept. Manager




EU Overensstemmelse certificat

Fait à Ulm, le 01.08.2006

Direction technique

Ulm, 01-08-2006

Hoofd technische dienst

Undertegnede GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,

Ulm, 2006.08.01.

Technical Director

D-89079 Ulm bekræfter hermed, at enheder listet herunder, ved afsendelse

Ulm, 01.08.2006

Direzione Tecnica

fra fabrikken, er i overensstemmelse med harmoniserede EU retningslinier,

Ulm, 01.08.2006

Dirección Técnica

EU sikkerhedsstandarder og produktspecifikationsstandarder. Dette certifikat

Ulm, 01.08.2006

Director Técnico


træder ud af kraft hvis enhederne er ændret uden vor godkendelse.

Ulm, 01.08.2006

Teknisk direktør









Image 11
Contents Gardena Rechargeable battery Where to use Your Gardena Large-Area Pop-Up IrrigationSafety instructions ContentsControl panel FunctionInitial Operation Information about usageSelect watering sector Re-adjust sectorOperation Incorrect locationInformation about programming Anti-vandal devicePutting into Storage MaintenanceClean nozzles Clean protective panel of solar cell TroubleshootingAccessories Warranty Technical dataService / Warranty Produkthaftung 98/37/EC AquaContour1559 AutomaticAustralia

1559 specifications

The Gardena 1559 is a premium garden hose connector designed to enhance the efficiency and convenience of gardening tasks. Renowned for its robust build and innovative approach, this connector exemplifies Gardena's commitment to creating products that simplify outdoor maintenance.

One of the standout features of the Gardena 1559 is its quick connect mechanism. This allows users to effortlessly attach and detach hoses and accessories without the need for additional tools. The built-in anti-drip feature ensures that water does not leak when the connection is disengaged, maintaining a clean working environment.

Constructed from high-quality materials, the Gardena 1559 embodies durability and resistance to wear and tear. It is designed to withstand various weather conditions, making it suitable for use year-round. Its ergonomic design enhances grip, allowing for easy handling, even when wet. This is particularly beneficial for gardeners managing larger areas or dealing with longer hoses.

The connector is compatible with all standard garden hoses, making it a versatile addition to any gardening toolkit. With the Gardena System, users can easily connect various sprinklers, spray guns, and other accessories, streamlining their irrigation process. The unit's compatibility with a wide range of fittings ensures that users can customize their garden setup to meet specific needs, whether it be for watering plants, washing cars, or general outdoor cleaning.

Another significant characteristic of the Gardena 1559 is its innovative frost protection technology. This feature prevents damage during colder months, ensuring that the connector performs optimally even in freezing temperatures. This thoughtful design consideration extends the lifespan of the product, making it a wise investment for any gardening enthusiast.

Moreover, the Gardena 1559 is environmentally friendly. With a focus on sustainability, Gardena aims to reduce water wastage through innovative designs that promote efficient water use while preserving the health of your garden.

In summary, the Gardena 1559 exemplifies superior engineering, combining ease of use with rugged durability. Its user-friendly features, compatibility with various accessories, and resilience to environmental challenges make it an indispensable tool for anyone looking to maintain a thriving outdoor space. With Gardena's commitment to quality and innovation, the 1559 connector is set to become a staple in modern gardening.