Warranty | 2 | MaintenanceSchedule | 18 |
Safety Rules | 3 | Serviceand Adjustments | 22 |
ProductSpecifications | 6 | Storage | 29 |
8 | Troubleshooting | 30 | |
Operation | 11 | Repair Parts | 34 |
Maintenance | 18 | Sears Service | BackCover |
For two (2)years from the date of purchase,if this CraftsmanRiding Equipmentis maintained,lubricatedand tuned up accordingto the instructionsin the owner'smanual, Sears will repairor replacefree of charge any parts that are foundto be defectivein materialor workmanshipaccordingto the guidelinesof coveragelisted below.Sears will also providefree laborfor these applicablewarrantedparts for the twofull years. During the first 30 days of purchase,there will be no chargesto service the product
at your homefor issuescoveredbythis warranty.(Seeexclusionsbelow). Foryour convenience, IN HOMEwarrantyservice will still be availableafter the first 30 days of purchase,but a trip chargewill apply.This chargewill be waived if the Craftsman productis droppedoff at an authorizedSears location.Forthe nearestauthorizedSears location,pleasecall
ThisWarrantydoes not cover:
Expendableitemswhich becomeworn during normaluse,includingbut not limitedto blades,spark plugs,air cleaners,belts,and oil filters.
StandardMaintenanceServicing,oil changes, or
Tire replacementor repaircaused by puncturesfrom outsideobjects,such as nails, thorns,stumps,or glass.
Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse,includingbut not limitedto, damage caused bytowingobjects beyondthe capabilityof the riding equipment,impacting objectsthat bendthe frame or crankshaft,or
,Engine(fuel system)cleaningor repairscaused byfuel determinedto be contami-
natedor oxidized(stale). In general,fuel should be usedwithin 30 days of its pur- chase date.
•Normaldeteriorationand wear of the exteriorfinishes,or productlabel replacement.
•Ridingequipmentusedfor commercialor rental purposes.
For ninety (90) days from date of purchase,if any battery includedwith this riding equipmentprovesdefectivein materialor workmanshipand our testing determinesthe batterywill not holda charge, Searswill replacethe batteryat no charge. Duringthe first 30 days of purchase,there will be no chargesto replacethe batteryat your HOME. After the first 30 days,for your
This batterywarrantyappliesonly while this product is withinthe UnitedStates.
Thiswarrantygivesyou specific legal rights,and you mayalso haveother rights,which vary,from stateto state.
Sears,Roebuckand Co.,Dept.817WA,HoffmanEstates, IL 60179