Craftsman 247.77638 Afilado O Canibio DE LA Cuchilla DE, LA Trituradora, 250- 300pulgadasIbs

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NOTA:UseunaIlavehexagonalde3/16" (Allen)enel exteriorde la cuchillay unaIlavede tubode 1/2" (ocubo) enel interiordel motor. Sostengala IlaveAllenfirrnernentey girela Ilavedetubo (o cubo)para aflojarlatuerca.

7.Coloqueunacuchillade repuesto(NQrnerode pieza742-0544) con loselernentosdeferreteriaqueextrajoanteriorrnenteo af[lela.

IMPORTANTE:Cuandoafilala cuchilla,prot_jaselas rnanosutilizando guantes.Sigael _.ngulooriginalde afiladoy asegQresedeextraeruna cantidadigualde cadacuchilla.

8.Parareernplazarla otracuchilla,gireel motorparaexponerla segunacuchillay repitalos pasosanteriores.

NOTA:AsegQresede quelas hojasse volvieroncon el hordeafilado enla rnisrnadirecci6ncornocuandose retiran.Parde hardwarea

250- 300pulgadasIbs.



1.Detengael motory verifiquequetodaslas piezasrn6vilesse hayandetenidoporcornpleto.

Lascuchillasde trituraci6ny la cuchilladecortedel motorsonfilosas. Utiliceguantesdetrabajode cueroparaprotegerselas rnanos.

2.Desconecteel cabledela bujiay p6ngalode rnaneraquehaga rnasacontrael motor.

3.Bajeelrnontajede latolvay trabela caja.

4.Saquelas seistuercashexagonalesde seguridady lasarandelas planasdelos esp_.rragosde la soldadurade lacaja dedes- granado.Guardeloselernentosde ferreteria.

5.Conrnuchocuidadosepareel rnontajedela tolvadel rnontajedel motory retirelaplacade sost_n.

NOTA:Cuandovuelvaa rnontarla placade sost_ncornpruebeque la aletagrabadamirehaciaadentrohaciael motor.

6.Saquelas dos perillasa rnariposaque unenel canaldeflectory lev_.ntelo.

7.Inserteuntubo de 1/2"o 3/4" de di_.rnetroa travesde la pantalla dedesgranadohaciaelinteriordelmotorparaevitarqueel

rnisrnogireo saquelapantallade desgranadoe inserteuntrozo de rnaderaenla aberturadel canal.

8.A. Saquelosdos tornilloshexagonalesinternos,lasarandelasde seguridady las tuercasde seguridadhexagonalesque sujetan la cuchillade latrituradoraal motor.

B.Saqueel pernohexagonal,laarandelade seguridady la arandelaplanaparaliberartotalrnentelacuchillade la trituradora.Veala Figura15.

IMPORTANTE:Cuandovuelvaarnontarla cuchilladetrituraci6n ajusteel bul6ncentralentre550y 700pulgadaslibrasy los dos bulonesextedoresentre 250y 350pulgadaslibras.











NOTA:UseunaIlavehexagonalde 3/16"(Allen)en elexteriorde lacuchillade latrituradoray unaIlavedetubo de 1/2"(o cubo)en el interiorde la cuchilladela trituradora.SostengalaIlaveAllen firmernentey girela Ilavedetubo (o cubo)paraafiojarla tuerca.Tenga precauci6ncuandosaquelacuchillaparaevitarel contactocon los esp_.rragosde lasoldadurade lacaja.

IMPORTANTE:Cuandoafile lacuchilla,sigael _.ngulooriginalde afiladocornogala. Es desurnairnportanciaquecadaextrernode cortesea desbastadodeigualrnaneraparaevitarque lacuchilla quededesequilibradaSi. lacuchillaest,. desequilibradaproducir_. unavibraci6nexcesivacuandogirea alta velocidady puededa_arla unidad.Sepuedeprobarlacuchillabalance_.ndolasobreundestornil- ladoro clavo.Saquemetaldelladopesadohastaquequedebien balanceada.


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Contents FORM1/O.769-05040 5/4/2009 Model NoPac Page19Es3-6 Page31Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionslabels,as necessary Your Responsibility=Restrict the useof this powermachinetoTraining PreparationOperation Maintenance & StorageReplacegasolinecapandtightensecurely Spark Arrestor Do not Modify EngineRead the Operatorsmanuals Safety SymbolsTo Avoid Serious iNJURY To Avoid Serious iNJURYOpening Carton Attaching the Hopper AssemblyRemoving UNiT from Carton Loose Parts in CartonAttaching the Chipper Chute Attaching the Chute DeflectorAttaching the BAG Hopper Assembly Meets Ansi Safety StandardsTamper Chute DeflectorGAS and OIL FILL-UP Older 32F Warmer Oil Viscosity ChartTo Start Engine Oil one bottle shipped with unit FirstTime UseTo Stop Engine Lowering the Hopper AssemblyShredding ChippingMaintenance Maintenance SchedulePorcelain General RecommendationsReplacesparkplugwire beforestarting Servicing the Air CleanerEnd Cap----d To Drain OilLubrication Clean EquipmentRemoving the Flail Screen Sharpening or Replacing Chipper BladesSharpening or Replacing the Shredder Blade Flail HousingBetween250and350in.-Ibs Preparing the Engine Cleanengineof surfacedebrisPreparing the Chipper Shredder Andblowerhousing Plugwire andremovelodgedobjectWire.ContactyourSearsParts& RepairCenter OpeningCraftsman Chipper Shredder -- Model No Chipper Shredder B IViodel No Craftsman Chipper Shredder B IViodel No WheelComplete,10.0x 4.0 Gray 5o5 188 221O22I72A 1005 1070 6949180 Pin-FloatHinge 699220 ScrewFuelTank 192 690083 Adjuster-RockerArm6961360 696143 Valve-Choke699480 ScrewBlowerHousing 791478 Housing-Blower692603 Wire-Stop 356A 692390 695815 Wire-Stop794815 Fan-Flywheel 2043120536e9 ReplacementEngine690971.+ Gasket-RockerCover 697691 Cover-RockerIS Running Thah 10% EthaholSears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty CoverageGDOC-100182RevA ModerateHereswhattheRepairProtectionAgreement*includes AggravationWhenhavingRepairProtectionAgreementcansaveyoumoneyand Expires.Purchaseyour RepairProtectionAgreementtodayOperaci6n seguras Declaraci6n de garanta Pagina36-39 MontajePreparativos CAPACITACiONManejoseguro de la gasolina OperacionUtilices61orecipientesparagasolinaautorizados No Modifique EL Motor Mantenimiento Y AlmacenamientoAviso Referido a Emisiones GuardachispasSilVIBOLOS DE Seguridad Coivio Sacar LA Unidad DE LA Caja Apertura DE LA Caja DE CartonPiezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA Caja Instalacion DE LA Tolva IviontajeCOLOCACl6N DEL Canal COLOCACl6N DEL Canal DeflectorDE LA Cortadora Sostienenel canalde lacortadoraa la cajadelmotor COLOCAClON DE LA BolsaCumple con los estandares de seguridad de Ansi Para Encender EL Motor Llenado DE Gasolina Y AceiteGasolina Aceite se enva una botella junto con la unidad PrimerusoTrituracion Para Detener EL MotorCorte C6MO Bajar EL Montaje DE LA TolvaLubricaci6nconpetr61eoligero Recomendaciones GeneralesUn aditivodegasolinaal gas enel TanqueSaquela varilladel niveldeaceitey limpielimpiocon latel Servicio Del Filtro De AireCambio Del Aceite Del Motor Sustituyay aprieteel enchufededesagQedel aceiteLimpieza DEL Equipo LUBFIICACI6NExtraccion DE LA Pantalla DE DES Granado Afilado O Recambio DE LAS Cuchillas DE LA CortadoraLA Trituradora Afilado O Canibio DE LA Cuchilla DE250- 300pulgadasIbs LA Preparacion LA Cortadora Trituradora PREPARACI6N DEL MotorYaquelos rnotoresalrnacenaronrn.sde 30dfas Lirnpieel motorde escornbrossuperficialesEs necesarioajustarelcarburador XirnoSears Alta velocidad Poca Ladistanciadisruptivade labujiaes rnuyBujiaensuciada Elfiltrode aireest,. sucioEsta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada GDOC-100182Rev.A El*Coverage en Canadvariaen algunosarticulos. Paradetalles Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoIlenosla IlarnadaCharnuscaCanaden Servicio de instalaci6nde SearsSU-HOGAR LE-FOYER MCall anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada

247.77638, 77638, 1450 Series specifications

The Craftsman 1450 Series Model 77638, also known as the 247.77638, is a powerful addition to the Craftsman lineup, showcasing the brand's dedication to quality and innovation in outdoor power equipment. This model is designed to provide reliable performance for both residential and commercial users, ensuring efficiency and ease of use in various applications.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 1450 Series is its robust engine. Equipped with a strong 1450W motor, this model delivers ample power for tackling tough tasks. The motor is designed to be efficient, minimizing energy consumption while maximizing output, making it an eco-friendly choice for users conscious of their environmental footprint.

The 77638 also incorporates a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both seasoned professionals and novices alike. Its ergonomic design includes comfortable handles and control mechanisms that ensure ease of operation, reducing operator fatigue during extended use. Coupled with its lightweight construction, maneuverability becomes a significant advantage, allowing users to navigate challenging terrains without hassle.

Durability is another key characteristic of the Craftsman 1450 Series. Constructed with high-quality materials, the model is built to withstand the rigors of frequent use. This ruggedness ensures longevity, making the investment worthwhile for anyone needing reliable outdoor equipment. The corrosion-resistant finish enhances its lifespan, protecting it against the elements.

In terms of technology, the Craftsman 1450 Series incorporates advanced safety features. An automatic shut-off mechanism prevents overheating, while the protective casing shields users from potential hazards. These safety measures ensure that users can operate the equipment confidently, knowing that they are protected.

Moreover, maintenance is simple with this model, as it is designed for easy access to internal components. Regular upkeep can be performed without the need for specialized tools, making it convenient for users to ensure their equipment remains in optimal condition.

In summary, the Craftsman 1450 Series Model 77638, 247.77638 stands out with its powerful motor, user-friendly design, durability, and innovative safety features. Ideal for a wide range of outdoor tasks, this model exemplifies Craftsman's commitment to delivering quality and performance. Whether for home maintenance or professional landscaping, the 77638 is a significant asset for any toolkit, reflecting the brand's renowned reputation for excellence in craftsmanship.