McCulloch 96141020200 Training, II. Preparation, III. Operation, IV. Maintenance and Storage

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Over time, ground speed may decrease. Adjust as follows:

Rotate nut (1) on the underside of the housing to tighten cable. Ground speed should increase.

If ground speed remains the same, drive belt is worn and should

Safe Operation Practices for Pedestrian-Controlled Rotary Lawnmowers

IMPORTANT: This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death.

be replaced.

Mit der Zeit kann die Geschwindigkeit abnehmen. Regulieren Sie diese wie folgt:

Drehen Sie die Mutter (1) an der Gehäuseunterseite gedrückt um den Riemen zu straffen. Die Grundgeschwindigkeit sollte so zunehmen.

Verändert dieses Verfahren die Geschwindigkeit nicht, ist der Transmissionsriemen defekt und muss ersetzt werden.

Après un certain temps, la vitesse de roulement peut diminuer. Veuillez l’ajuster de cette façon:

Tournez le écrou (1) situé en dessous du châssis pour tendre le câble d'entraînement. La vitesse de roulement devrait


Si la vitesse de roulement demeure inchangée, la courroie du système d’entraînement est usée et doit être remplacée.

Con el tiempo, la velocidad con relación al suelo puede reducirse. Ajustar del siguiente modo:

• Rote tuerca (1) en la parte inferior del bastidor para tensar el cable impulsor. La velocidad con relación al suelo tendría que aumentar.

Si la velocidad con relación al suelo permanece invariada, la co- rrea de transmisión está desgastada y se tiene que sustituir.

De basissnelheid kan mettertijd afnemen. Corrigeer dit op de volgende manier:

Draai de Moeren (1) onder de behuizing in en houd deze ingedrukt om de kabel te spannen. De basissnelheid moet


Als de snelheid dezelfde blijft, is de drijfriem versleten en dient deze te worden vervangen.

Nel tempo, la velocità rispetto al suolo potrebbe ridursi. Eseguire le seguenti regolazioni:

Ruotare la dado (1) posizionato sulla parte posteriore del telaio da serrare il cavo. La velocità rispetto al suolo dovrebbe


Qualora la velocità rispetto al suolo non cambi, significa che la cinghia di trasmissione è usurata e dovrà essere quindi sostituita.


Read the instructions carefully. Be familiar with the controls and the proper use of the equipment.

Never allow children or people unfamiliar with the instructions to use the lawnmower. Local regulations may restrict the age of the operator.

Never mow while people, especially children, or pets are nearby.

Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people or their property.

II. Preparation

While mowing, always wear substantial footwear and long trousers. Do not operate the equipment when barefoot or wearing open sandals.

Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to be used and remove all objects which may be thrown by the machine.

WARNING - Petrol is highly flammable.

-Store fuel in containers specifically designed for this purpose.

-Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while refu- eling.

-Add fuel before starting the engine. Never remove the cap of the fuel tank or add petrol while the engine is running or when the engine is hot.

-If petrol is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine but move the machine away from the area of spill- age and avoid creating any source of ignition until petrol vapors have dissipated.

-Replace all fuel tanks and container caps se- curely.

Replace faulty silencers.

Before using, always visually inspect to see that the blades, blade bolts and cutter assembly are not worn or damaged. Replace worn or damaged blades and bolts in sets to preserve balance.

On multi-bladed machines, take care as rotating one blade can cause other blades to rotate.

III. Operation

Do not operate the engine in a confined space where dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can collect.

Mow only in daylight or in good artificial light.

Avoid operating the equipment in wet grass, where feasible.

Always be sure of your footing on slopes.

Walk, never run.

For wheeled rotary machines, mow across the face of slopes, never up and down.

Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes.

Do not mow excessively steep slopes.

Use extreme caution when reversing or pulling the lawnmower towards you.

Stop the blade if the lawnmower has to be tilted for transportation when crossing surfaces other than grass, and when transporting the lawnmower to and from the area to be mowed.

Never operate the lawnmower with defective guards, or without safety devices, for example deflectors and/or grass catchers, in place.

Do not change the engine governor settings or over- speed the engine. Operating the engine at excessive speed may increase the hazard of personal injury.

Disengage all blade and drive clutches before starting the engine.

Start the engine or switch on the motor carefully ac- cording to instructions and with feet well away from the blade.

Do not tilt the lawnmower when starting the engine or switching on the motor, except if the lawnmower has to be tilted for starting. In this case, do not tilt more than absolutely necessary and lift only the part which is away from the operator.

Do not start the engine when standing in front of the discharge chute.

Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts. Keep clear of the discharge opening at all times.

Never pick up or carry lawnmower while the engine is running.

Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug wire:

-before cleaning blockages or unclogging chute;

-before checking, cleaning or working on the lawn- mower;

-after striking a foreign object. Inspect the lawnmower for damage and make repairs before restarting and operating the lawnmower;

-if the lawnmower starts to vibrate abnormally (check immediately).

Stop the engine:

-whenever you leave the lawnmower;

-before refuelling.

Reduce the throttle setting during engine shut down and, if the engine is provided with a shut-off valve, turn the fuel off at the conclusion of mowing.

Go slow when using a trailing seat.

IV. Maintenance and Storage

Keep all nuts, bolts and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition.

Never store the equipment with petrol in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or spark.

Allow the engine to cool before storing in any enclo- sure.

To reduce the fire hazard, keep the engine, silencer, battery compartment and petrol storage area free of grass, leaves, or excessive grease.

Check the grass catcher frequently for wear or dete- rioration.

Replace worn or damaged parts for safety.

If the fuel tank has to be drained, this should be done outdoors.



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Contents Edition 1XXL-R Contents Indice III. Operation IV. Maintenance and StorageTraining II. PreparationIV. Wartung und Lagerung SchulungII. Vorbereitung III. BetriebRevisión anual Al terminar la estación Annually After end of seasonJährlich nach Beendigung der Saison Annuellement à fin de la saisonIII. Operación MaintenanceInstrucción II. PreparaciónIII. Bediening Veilig werken met handbediende grasmaaimachinesMAX 1/3 II. VoorbereidingII. Preparazione Mise en serviceDrive Addestramento All’usoArranque y Parada Avviamento e Arresto Starting and StoppingStart und Stopp Marche et ArrêtAjuste AdjustmentEinstellung ReglageUmrüsten des Mäweks Install Rear Foot GuardInstallez le protecteur de pieds arrière To Convert MowerArmado y montaje del colector de hierba To Assemble and Attach Grass CatcherZusammensetzung und Montage des Grasfang- beutels Assemblage et montage du collecteur dherbe