Leave er_Jn _ wood between the felHr_ cut aJn_tt_enotct_ to form ;/hinge.
NOTE: The _lnge heJ_Lsto keep the 1Tee from _stEnq a_a latting in the wrong dmctlon.
d- Use a we,J,ge _f mere is any chance Ihal _e :tee ,_.i :_Otfail In t'neUe_e_ dzrec_on.
NOT£: Betom t_e tellit_g €_ iS complete, dri,,_ w_ges Io aden up thecu_ wt"_ennecessary_ocon-
{rotthedimc_on of faJl.Use _ or_a_cwedges
but ne_ me_a_ to avoid kickback and cP.am
e.Be alert for s_gnsthat the tree is readyto faU: _.) CraCk!rigSounds
2.) wlden_ngot tfte elSng cu_
3.) movemet_t in the u_per €ranges.
g.Be extremely €_utious wfth part_a!lyf_len trees
fallcomptete_y,seethe sawa_de,'_clpuHdowfl the tree wi_ aca_le winch, _lock and tackle, ortra_. tar,Toavoid injury, do
,,, | i | ii | • | ,i,[ | III | ,,,,, | ,, | IIIHII | I | im, | i |
I | • | J,,I,,, ,, ,I | ,,, , | ,,,,, | , |
Buckiag L_tlze term usld tot CutUngaf:ilen tree to the des_rsd log size.
Cu_sh_ten_ wood v_, a._. S_am p,_n of vKxx_€ou_l be flung tawam ttJeocem_oc
€, Use _ smvhome to cut small logs, Never aJIow
ano[her derson to hold the fog while cuing, and
never hold the log vAth_our leg orfooL
_ me saw h:m pinchb_. Ma_e tt_ r.'_
¢uz on me pre._mm side to n_k_ tf_e s_ss ¢._
Do rmt cut in an eml wheal I_ls, Ilmb_ 4md mocs Imetangled, such utnll I:iown doom mils. D_',_me Iogs into a ¢_e_ area lx_fom cutting I_
. L ;_JJlingo_ expo=_ arid _e_ !Ogl_fi_
M4dm m_ | fh_ bu¢ldl_g cut | U_ of me wwy | |
through me log eric fiRish _ | a 2/3 cut on | ||
_ op_e | side, | As the _ocj_ | being cut. _ roll |
tenO _ I>_n_. The | saw ca_ _ | air_'_a o_ |
| _9 | " |
| |
Hm | ,, , | ,,H _ _m | H | , |
Stly On the uphll lie of the temdn to tlvotd Ittp.zry
If the tin | mill | or slides downhig | _RII' it | is felled, i | |
Rgum _ |
| I | ....... i | ..... i | _ ,,i | i |
| . | &w mNa |
| |
l_kev_r turn the | m | upside down to undercut. The | |||
.," |
| .................. |
iiii | IH | I ,, • | I,, | ,,,,,,,,, | , ,, |
| :_ | _3" | PRF..SSURESIOfE |
m mm_m*
• |
iij[ll[lll | ..... | iiiii1,, | _ | ,i |
_r3 ot tt_e eiame_r_ _e